Posted 2 сентября 2022,, 07:39

Published 2 сентября 2022,, 07:39

Modified 25 декабря 2022,, 20:55

Updated 25 декабря 2022,, 20:55

Death for an idea as a moral scam

2 сентября 2022, 07:39
Алина Витухновская
The pathos of the call to give one's life for the motherland is inversely proportional to the degree of participation in this feat of the orator himself.

Alina Vitukhnovskaya, writer

Modern psychology, and psychology in general, is an attempt to close the gestalt of emptiness. That emptiness, that gaping abyss, into which, under fear of madness, it was forbidden to peer. But at the same time, they continue to shower it with illusory tinsel of good intentions, overdue expectations, outdated values. In the world of speeds and opportunities, this gestalt can only be closed with a material and information resource. The simplest example is your health and the state of your account. If you are healthy, wealthy, and smart, you probably won't need a psychologist. So shouldn't we call Gestalt Gesheft?

From the point of view of this, in my opinion, undoubtedly correct conclusion, it is interesting to look at the world that recently, it would seem, disappeared into oblivion, and now they are trying to revive it again, moreover, through blood and violence, namely, the world of ideas and the struggle of ideas. .

Who wants people to go to die "for an idea", both from one side and the other (conditional evil and conditional good) - ideological necrophiles, not so much a product of modernity, but a scoop with its pioneer heroes, "life-struggle" etc., etc. This world seems to them "unreal", "postmodern". In fact, they are not real you, aged "book boys" who have lived their whole lives in dusty libraries and fantasies. Your secret dream is absolutely socialist - to deprive others of what you did not have. Your ideas are a concentrate of meaninglessness, its reverse side, with which you fill your own subjective absence. And it would be okay if you urged people to rush into battle at the time of the re-situation. It would at least make practical sense. You want them to die just like that, for the sake of beautiful phrases, pathetic speeches, so that you finally feel something, so that the unreal becomes real for a moment, and then drowns again in a swampy boring pillowcase of graveness.

The generation that left us ruins, slipped us a surrogate of obsolete waste paper and slogans instead of life, offers to die for this surrogate. Is free. To die for the Asian carpet on their wall. For semolina in kindergarten. For sticky compote. For a rotten birch. For the idealism of the madmen. For the preferences of instigators. For an imperial non-sandwich. For dissident status. For the necrophilic "it's great that we are all gathered here today." For the pathological community of beggars. For the nonsense of the leftists. For profane heroism. For Soviet science fiction. For those unable to become dragons. For life is a struggle. For the Lokhov Gestalt. For the "beautiful Russia of the future" given to others in donations. For klichush graphomaniacs. For the crafty leaders of the "revolution". For everything, except for what really interests people - a decent life and, in fact, power, which is what a political subject strives for, and not a drive-by-wire driven by induced madness.

I don't trust people with burning eyes. They are either madmen or provocateurs. And often two in one. In general, the "Russian" world is full of urban madmen, sort of golems made at "metaphysical ideological factories", strange mutants who have slept all their lives between the pages of dusty tomes. Imprinted with slogans, chants, horror stories. From the already mentioned "all life is a struggle" to "get to the very essence" (it looks like about the apocalypse!) And "the soul must work." Note that the soul is obliged, but the brain is not. So do not be surprised that all these "burning hearts" are completely headless, unable to add two and two.

Often people who try to argue with me on the above topics resort to argumentation through authorities. For example, Goethe’s quote is used: “Only he is worthy of life and freedom who every day goes to battle for them!”

This phrase only sounds beautiful, moreover, it is usually pronounced by those who themselves are not ready to follow their own appeals. Let me remind you that Goethe himself preferred to serve in the secret office, and not in any, God forgive me, cavalry. The pathos of the call is inversely proportional to the degree of participation of the speaker himself. In general, I want to appeal to those who continue to call us “to battle” with the pathos of the propagandists of the 1930s. Moreover, I will note once again that my conclusions concern both representatives of the national-patriotic and part of the liberal public, especially the left-liberal one. Nobody believes you for a long time. Yes, and you already believe in yourself with difficulty. And if you believe, even worse. You got too carried away and lost touch with reality. But the reality is that there are no revolutionary romantics left in it. And those that are are either children, or unbalanced people, or outright villains and murderers.

Here the calculation is based on humanistic and humanitarian innocence, which, as many mistakenly think, continues to secretly guide people's motivations. There is a persistent illusion that logic gives slack where we touch on moral issues. However, this method will not only fail. It will lead to the exact opposite result. It will be an inevitable crisis of the very moral and humanistic concepts as such, which is already happening online. No one will commit suicide, albeit socially, in the name of chimeras. People implicitly understand that they are dealing with a moralistic scam. When it comes to life and death, about the real technical prospects for existence in general, people turn on the rational. Now it's turned on like never before. And even drowned out by emotions, in the end it will win.