The holy place is never empty: Baron Munchausen can replace Catherine II in Odessa

The holy place is never empty: Baron Munchausen can replace Catherine II in Odessa

30 декабря 2022, 17:44
Karl Friedrich Hieronymus von Munchausen, who fought in the Russian army against the Turks, is quite worthy to occupy the pedestal for the monument to the Russian Empress in Odessa

Social networks continue to discuss the events in Odessa, where a monument to Catherine the Second was removed from Catherine Square and moved to the museum, which also contained images of other famous founders of this city. Recall that this monument has already been demolished once - in 1920. And in its place throughout the Soviet period and further up to 2007 there was a monument to revolutionary sailors from the cruiser "Potemkin". Moreover, it was the supporters of the "Russian world", of whom there are many in Odessa, who returned Ekaterina to her place. The paradox, which was noticed by Odessa publicist Yuri Christensen, is that the founders of Odessa, its first builders and organizers were not Russian people.

Here 's what the author writes about them:

"The Spaniard Jose de Ribas entered the service of Prince Orlov in 1769 during the stay of the Prince's flotilla in Livorno. Participated in two Russian-Turkish wars. In 1794, he was appointed chief organizer of the port and the city on the site of the Turkish Hajibey. A year later, Hajibey was renamed Odessa.

The Dutchman Franz de Vollan joined the Russian service in 1787 under the patronage of the Russian ambassador in The Hague. In 1792 he was confirmed as the first engineer of the Southern Army. In 1794, he headed the "office of the buildings of the city and port of Hajibeysky", in which plans for the future of Odessa were drawn up.

The German Sophia Frederica Augusta, Princess of Anhalt-Zerbst, was married in 1745 to Karl Peter Ulrich, the future Russian Emperor Peter III. In 1762, she ascended the throne as a result of a palace coup. In 1794, she issued a rescript on the construction of a city and harbor in Hajibey..."

Two other persons involved in this group, who can be called Russians, proved themselves, as you know, not at all in the creative field:

Sergeant Grigory Alexandrovich Potemkin attracted the attention of the Empress during the palace coup. In 1775, he became the morganatic spouse of Catherine II. He was elevated to the rank of general-in-chief and count. He is known for the construction of Potemkin villages on his wife's way to the Crimea.

Second-captain Platon Alexandrovich Zubov is the last favorite of Catherine II. In the absence of military merit, in four years he rose to the rank of General Feldzeichmeister. In 1796, he was appointed head of the Black Sea Fleet by the Empress. After Catherine's death, he fell into disgrace..."

From this the author makes a logical conclusion:

"This is if we talk about the monument and the people who are depicted on it. Each of them was talented in his own way - someone in the military, someone in engineering. Someone is in intrigues and palace coups, and someone is in bed. Two out of five were related to the construction of the future Odessa..."

The most interesting thing in this publication is the following: who will stand in Catherine's place this time? For example, Dzerzhinsky's place in Moscow has been empty for more than 30 years, and apparently he is the main contender for the return. And in Odessa? With the humor inherent in the inhabitants of Odessa, the author offers his candidacy, which, if you think seriously, is quite suitable for this place:

"Now let's talk about markers. This is what divides people into their own and someone else's. The vast majority of those who argue about markers will not name the people depicted on the monument. Not that the biography will not be called by name. Markers don't care - they create a black-and-white picture of the world, without halftones.

Now on the remaining empty pedestal. Karl Friedrich Hieronymus von Munchausen participated in the Turkish campaign of 1735-1739. The one about whose adventures books have been written and films have been made. It was the only military experience in his life. It was about him that the baron then recklessly told.

In 1738, Munchausen came to Russia and entered the service of Duke Anton Ulrich of Brunswick-Wolfenbuttelsky - generalissimo of the Russian troops, father of the Russian Emperor Ivan VI, nephew of the Prussian King Frederick II and cousin of the Russian Emperor Peter II.

Munchausen fought under the command of Field Marshal of the Russian troops Count Burhard Christoph von Munnich. He, together with Duke Ulrich, can be placed in the second row of figures of the Munchausen monument. If you dig into the history, you can find more historical characters for the second row.

Supporters of the marker "Odessa is a Russian city" will be surprised at how diverse and multinational the history of these places is. Opponents of imperial markers would also like to know the history of the city. The pedestal cannot remain empty. If we don't erect a monument, it will be filled with new markers..."

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