The Netherlands did not allow Russian diplomats to honor the memory of the victims of the Holocaust

The Netherlands did not allow Russian diplomats to honor the memory of the victims of the Holocaust

27 января 2023, 12:59
The country's authorities refused to allow the Russian diplomatic mission to participate in the ceremony.

The Russian Embassy in The Hague called the decision of the Dutch authorities to refuse diplomats from the Russian Federation to take part in a ceremony in memory of the victims of the Holocaust, which will be held in Amsterdam on January 29, extremely politicized. The diplomatic mission expressed deep regret about such a step by the Dutch side.


"Whatever reservations there may be about the current political situation, this decision is extremely politicized", - the diplomatic mission stressed.

The refusal contradicts the statements of the Dutch side about the constant gratitude of the Red Army and the people of the Soviet Union for the liberation Europe from fascism.

The ceremony is organized by the Dutch Auschwitz Committee. At the end of last year, the US government banned Russian diplomats from visiting the graves of pilots in Alaska.


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