Posted 27 февраля 2023,, 09:19

Published 27 февраля 2023,, 09:19

Modified 27 февраля 2023,, 11:08

Updated 27 февраля 2023,, 11:08

Nonconformism will not pass! Why society shy away from the rebels in Russia

Nonconformism will not pass! Why society shy away from the rebels in Russia

27 февраля 2023, 09:19
Neither the state, appealing to traditional values, nor its population, preferring a calm and predictable life, will support caring citizens.

Alexey Makarkin, political scientist

The idea of "Back to the USSR", widespread in modern Russia, faces numerous problems — economic, social, and foreign policy.

One of them is the attitude to nonconformism. On the one hand, nonconformism was strongly welcomed in the USSR at the official level. Even one of the honored conformists of the USSR , Sergei Mikhalkov , wrote sublime lines in the most conformist Brezhnev years: "THIS and THAT need to be built, cherish every hour, Disturb the indifferent, Make friends with the restless!". At the same time, the novel by Vilya Lipatov "And it's all about him" was published in huge editions, according to which a six—part film was shot - about an idealist Komsomol activist who entered into a confrontation with local petty bosses and tragically died (but it was made clear that his initiative was not in vain). A model of a caring hero who is ready to go into conflict with philistinism in order to help the country go to new victories has firmly taken root.

On the other hand, in real life, just the same conformist philistinism triumphed with the unofficial slogan "Keep your head down." And after the perestroika upswing and rapid disappointment, it triumphed. Communists and national patriots tried to reach the majority of the population in the 90s, liberals - already in this century. And they all encountered a tired rejection of any hint of radicalism. And the state supported this conservative trend in every possible way within the framework of a protective discourse in which all the rebels of the past were recognized as anti-state elements. The Decembrists almost destroyed the country, Herzen undermined the empire from abroad with his agitation, and the Bolsheviks were agents of the German General Staff (which, apparently, was jealous of the Austro-Hungarian General Staff, which constructed Ukraine in the same logic).

Thus, the Soviet realities won — albeit in an "anti-Soviet" design. But now, in a completely changed geopolitical situation, the state will demand just nonconformists who are ready to make any sacrifices in the name of solving state-significant tasks. It is not surprising that the "Young Guard" returns to the school curriculum, which not only glorifies heroism, but also condemns the conformism of a few characters who tried to adapt to any regime.

But at the same time, firstly, uncontrolled nonconformism continues to be considered a risk - and the state is interested in fully controlling potential rebels. But in the current situation, unlike during the Great Patriotic War, the rebels have claims to their own state, which they would like to see more just.

And the state itself remains counter-revolutionary in its style, appealing to traditional values. And, secondly, the conformism of the majority of society, which wants to live as before, calmly and predictably, is fully preserved.

The original is here.