Posted 24 марта 2023,, 08:12

Published 24 марта 2023,, 08:12

Modified 24 марта 2023,, 09:19

Updated 24 марта 2023,, 09:19

Blinken emphasized the role of diplomacy in resolving the conflict in Ukraine

Blinken emphasized the role of diplomacy in resolving the conflict in Ukraine

24 марта 2023, 08:12
US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken proposed to strengthen the role of diplomats in determining the future borders of Ukraine, stressing that any peaceful decisions should not be taken without taking into account the opinion of Kiev.

Speaking in Congress, writes Al Arabia, the Secretary of State admitted that Ukrainian troops will not be able to retake the entire territory under Russian control. In his opinion, Kiev can try to return the lost territories in another way, that is, by "diplomatic means".

"If Washington sees any signs that Russia is interested and ready for constructive diplomacy to put an end to the fighting, we will use this opportunity", - Anthony Blinken said, answering a question from congressmen from the Republican Party.

"We don't want to just invite the Russians to reboot, rearm, and then attack again", - the head of the US State Department said.  

As the RBC news agency recalled, in January of this year, the press secretary of the President of Ukraine, Sergey Nikiforov, said that Kiev is ready to consider the possibility of negotiations if they are based on a number of universal principles, including "the return of Crimea, compensation for the damage caused, as well as guarantees that this will not happen again".