Posted 31 марта 2023, 04:51

Published 31 марта 2023, 04:51

Modified 31 марта 2023, 06:47

Updated 31 марта 2023, 06:47

The State Duma will extend the credit holidays until the end of 2023

The State Duma will extend the credit holidays until the end of 2023

31 марта 2023, 04:51
It is supposed to adopt a corresponding permanent law.

On March 31, the deadline expires for which individuals, IA and SMEs could apply to the lender for credit holidays on loans taken before March 1 last year. As the head of the State Duma Committee on the financial Market Anatoly Aksakov said in an interview with RIA Novosti, the lower house will extend the credit holidays until the end of this year.

"We will extend the anti-covid (credit) holidays... Now an amendment has been prepared that extends the current anti-weed holidays until the end of the year, until we adopt this permanent law", - Aksakov said.

It's worth reminding that from April 1, 2020, these categories, due to the spread of covid, were able to apply for credit holidays with a decrease in income by 30% or more. At the same time, credit holidays are provided for a period of up to six months. The measure was then extended until March 31, 2023. Currently, citizens and small and medium businesses operating in the sectors most affected by sanctions can receive a grace period.

At the end of last summer, it turned out that banks have been rejecting loan restructuring applications for more than 50% of customers since March. Last week, experts estimated potentially problematic debts in banks at 700 billion rubles. At the end of 2022, the regulatory capital of credit institutions amounted to 13.3 trillion rubles. If the sanctions are expanded, the amount will increase, experts say.