Posted 3 апреля 2023, 14:10

Published 3 апреля 2023, 14:10

Modified 3 апреля 2023, 15:13

Updated 3 апреля 2023, 15:13

A monument to Alexander Pushkin was doused with paint in the center of Riga

A monument to Alexander Pushkin was doused with paint in the center of Riga

3 апреля 2023, 14:10
The incident was reported by deputy of the Jelgava Duma, member of the Russian Union of Latvia Andrey Pagor.

"The story continues. The mayor of the capital of Latvia, Martins Stakis, is unable to organize the protection of the monument. Thereby allowing the barbarians to continue to mock the monument to the great poet with impunity", - the deputy wrote on his Telegram channel.

He added that the mayor of the Latvian capital "is not able to organize anything in Riga, except for the demolition of monuments".

The deputy added a photo of the desecrated monument to the publication. It shows that unknown people doused him with paint. The body of the pedestal is painted in red and white, the hat held by the poet is painted in the colors of the Ukrainian flag.

The Russian Embassy in Latvia was outraged by what happened to the monument, calling what happened another "cowardly trick." They recalled that the monument to the Russian poet has been vandalized for the third time in recent months. This indicates that the incidents with the monument are no longer an accident. They acquire "the character of purposeful activity to combat the symbols of Russian culture".

"Unfortunately, we see that the unbridled behavior of representatives of local "nationally concerned" circles does not meet with proper opposition from the official authorities and law enforcement agencies of Latvia", - the Russian embassy said in a statement.

The Russian embassy suggested that interested persons deliberately create a scandal around this monument in order to force the local authorities "under the pretext of protecting" the monument from vandals to demolish it.

Earlier, vandals put a black bag on the Pushkin monument in the center of Riga. Before that, the monument was doused with paint.
