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Март 2023
Football without fans: Fan ID system deprived stadiums of spectators
The Russian Premier League is back, but you can now get to football matches only with a Fan ID, or a fan card. This card has already alienated hundreds of thousands of spectators from football and changed this sport, making it less spectacular.
Февраль 2023
After us the deluge! Who and how poisons drinking water in Moscow
Man, as you know, is 80% water. Water is necessary for the proper functioning of all his organs – from the circulatory system to the brain. However, the catastrophic state of water intake from the rivers near Moscow leaves no chance for clean water. The petition of environmentalists has been sent to the President of Russia.
What the meteorite that fell 10 years ago near Chelyabinsk has changed in science and people's minds
On February 15, most residents of Chelyabinsk celebrate their second birth. A meteorite exploded over the city 10 years ago. Then the whole country got off with a slight fright, but if he had flown a little differently, everything could have gone differently. What trace in history did this cosmic event leave?
The Way of Judas and Pavlik Morozov: are informers useful in modern Russia?
After the introduction of article 20.3.3 Administrative Code On March 4, 2022, the police opened 35 administrative cases a day against citizens. Most of them were opened at the request of "vigilant citizens". Novye Izvestia discussed with experts a new surge of whistleblowing in the country.
Myths about the beautiful past: what people who are nostalgic for the USSR do not want to remember
The Russian authorities are actively restoring Soviet practices, encouraging nostalgic moods of the people. What can all this lead to? NI launches a series of materials in which, together with historians and political scientists, we understand which of the memories of the "beautiful era" was a myth and which was reality.
U-turn to the east: what awaits Russian business in China
If we believe the assurances of the authorities, then the loss of the European, Japanese and American markets for Russian business is more than compensated by cooperation with China. But what awaits our entrepreneurs in China?
Ecological detective: the story of how the destruction of protected natural areas occurs
An emergency has occurred in the Smolensk region, which may affect the ecology of the entire European region of Russia. There, the State Nature Reserve "Khmelita" was deprived of the status of a specially protected natural territory. The question reached the head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.
Январь 2023
Welcome, dear "traitors": what awaits the returning relocants in Russia
It is not easy for the relocators, who are now facing a choice whether to return to Russia, to understand what to do: at home they are threatened with confiscation of property, then they promise to create comfortable conditions. It is possible to guess what to really expect from the authorities for a long time. Historical experience suggests – nothing good.
Декабрь 2022
"Compaction" of children: optimization and commercialization have reached orphanages
In 2021, there were 494 thousand orphans in Russia. With the beginning of the special operation in 2022, the number of orphans began to grow. It would seem that the state should increase the number of orphanages, but in Moscow exactly the opposite is happening. The Family Education Assistance Center "Lesnoye" for children with disabilities was closed.
From restoration for billions to destruction. The fate of the "manor estate" in Moscow
The phrase "manor of the nobility" evokes literary and historical associations: balls, beautiful ladies, gentlemen. But even now, in the age of urbanism, there are islands of the "beautiful era" in Moscow. "Novye Izvestia" found out who owns them and how much it costs.
Question of the day: Will the Earth's magnetic poles change in the nearest future?
The last time such a phenomenon happened on our planet more than forty thousand years ago, its consequences were severe, but not catastrophic.