Posted 30 апреля 2020,, 13:44

Published 30 апреля 2020,, 13:44

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Vladimir Ryzhkov: “It is strange that the authorities did not ban the forthcoming fireworks”

Vladimir Ryzhkov: “It is strange that the authorities did not ban the forthcoming fireworks”

30 апреля 2020, 13:44
A model of the capital is being imposed on the regions, but they are unable to adopt it, and no measures are working normally. The candidate of historical sciences, political scientist Vladimir Ryzhkov spoke about the reasons why this is happening on the air of Ekho Moskvy radio station.

“As a person from the provinces, I don’t understand why the authorities, knowing how everything works in the regions, are not going to ban fireworks.

In the regions, in the province, any salute is always a huge crowd of people. Because it is a rare sight, a joyful sight for families, children. When salutes are held in regional cities for any reason, a lot of residents are dumping on the embankments, in the central squares.

Now, taking into account the fact that this can lead to very serious consequences in terms of the spread of the epidemic, this is a mistake. Salutes must be canceled.

In addition, the authorities are afraid - and quite rightly, that the May holidays will be a festival of cottages, barbecue, potatoes, sincere gatherings, meetings of fellow soldiers and other mass departures, arrivals and so on. Therefore, the president’s message in this “lightning” of him is absolutely clear to me.

In principle, measures have been introduced throughout the country. Basically, the country copies what Sergey Sobyanin does in Moscow. Moreover, the Moscow model is the base for the whole of Russia.

This was directly said by Putin and Mishustin that, they say, "guys, look how Moscow is doing and repeat." And most regions copy Moscow practices.

But if you look at the same Yandex, you will see that there will be a picture of enormous variation in self-isolation. Somewhere in Siberia, in Novosibirsk, in Barnaul, there are fewer people, but still there are incomparably more people on the streets, in cars, in squares than in the same Moscow.

You can talk about introducing measures as much as you like. But the question is, will these measures work? Do regional authorities have the resources to implement these measures?

I want to say a very important thing, which few people talk about. The vast majority of governors have been appointed in the last two to three years from the category of young technocrats.

These people have no relation to the regions at all, they are not local. These people were sent by Moscow, they have no authority, they have no name, they have no legitimacy.

And if they try to introduce some harsh measures in their Siberian or Ural regions, they heard one answer: “And who are you? Where did you come from and, in general, from what mountain did you come to us? ”

That is, what we see now is that the vertical line built by Putin with the support of young technocrats in recent years falls through in a crisis situation, when together there are charismatics, authoritative local men who in the 1990s, such as Rossel or others , all pulled out during crisis situations on their authority. Now there are no such people.

Moscow is the country's most prosperous city by income, not counting some oil regions - Yamal, and so on. Here people can sit for a month. And somewhere in Bryansk? And somewhere in Barnaul?

You saw what happened in Vladikavkaz when people shouted at the cameras: “We have nothing to feed the children!”

That is, Moscow has a fat stock. People here believe that for a month and a half we somehow get over.

Although in Moscow there are several million people who are in a desperate situation, for example, labor migrants who have lost all kinds of income, and they now need to pay for rental housing and more.

And one more difference of Moscow. According to various estimates, there are 200-400 thousand people who are currently unemployed, who will soon have nothing to eat, understand?

So in the regions, people are poor. They have no opportunity to sit in self-isolation, as many Muscovites can sit.

And further. Do you know the budget of Moscow? More than 3 trillion rubles.

Moscow may take measures to urgently support the population. To support the same migrants. And part of these measures are already being taken.

But what about the regions? 90% of the regions are subsidized. They are now running out of budgets, because the main income is a tax on personal income. They are all beggars like rats, understand?

Therefore, when they tell me, why in the regions, it seems, they are trying to adopt the model of Moscow, but nothing works, I answer, and therefore it does not work out.

There are technocrats who cannot be called, and who do not know where they came from. A poor population, who, if he does not work for a month, will have nothing to feed their families. And the poor budgets Putin gives instructions to help both. And where will they get it?

They are all subsidized, they are all robbed as sticky. See the status of city budgets. Most cities in the country are bankrupt. The vast majority of the country's regions are bankrupt.

So I say that the measures do not work, because there are neither authoritative leaders, nor a more or less prosperous population who can sit and tolerate, nor the resources of regional budgets that can dump it.

Therefore, what remains for Putin to do in this situation? He has been leading the country for 20 years, and has he brought the situation to the state that I just described? It remains for him to exhort. And he exhorts.

There is such a popular theory of social contract. Under quarantine, this agreement should look like this. We ask you to stay at home, and we cover your minimum expenses while you are at home, since you have no income.

Is it logical? That is, if the authorities say: “You sit at home and do not work,” those who are sitting at home and not working receive help from the state while they are sitting at home and not working. Is it logical or not?

This is common sense. That is, we ask you not to work, and we will cover your lost income. Now all countries of the world are doing this.

It got to the point that the European Union abolished its budget rule and allowed the EU countries to exceed the maximum amount of debt, which they never allowed.

That is, all countries go into debt, increase the budget deficit, print money, issue bonds, because they understand that it is impossible, on the one hand, to say to citizens: “Stay at home,” and on the other hand, leave them without a livelihood ”

You can listen to the “Minority Opinion” show here.
