Posted 16 апреля 2020,, 09:51

Published 16 апреля 2020,, 09:51

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

The head of the Alliance of Doctors: “Passing control hustle and bustle in the Moscow subway is a genocide!”

The head of the Alliance of Doctors: “Passing control hustle and bustle in the Moscow subway is a genocide!”

16 апреля 2020, 09:51
Anastasia Vasilieva, head of the independent alliance of Doctors Alliance, at the request of NI, evaluated the actions of the Moscow authorities, due to which April 15 metro lines were formed. Due to digital pass checks, city dwellers crowded and were at risk for coronavirus infection.

“What happened today in the Moscow metro is not just dangerous! If this situation repeats itself, I don’t know what it will be possible to do to treat all the people who are in these lines. The situation is not just absurd, it will lead to a real disaster. I watch a video and I can’t find censored words. Everyone declares the need to keep a sanitary distance.

And this is not the first situation that the authorities did not think in advance. When the first medical facilities were closed due to the epidemiological situation, all consultative rooms were closed, leaving three working on the ground floor. This led to the fact that patients, instead of dispersing throughout the building, created a flea market. All grandparents crowded in one corridor, it was impossible to pass.

Today, the situation has not changed much. The premises are empty, and those who come to any research are waiting on the street. We went to 218 outpatient clinics and passed protective equipment. People stand on the street, yes, they keep a distance, but tremble from the cold. These are some super anti-human solutions. This is real genocide. The authorities do not adhere to any epidemic rules. Where is our chief medical officer? How does it allow such methods to be introduced? How is this possible?

Okay, cars are piling up in front of the Moscow Ring Road. But there was a real catastrophe in the subway. I'm not talking about people going to work. Many doctors were unable to arrive on time. Who now mainly works? Medical staff! They wrote me everything in the morning. This is a disgrace in relation to all segments of the population - healthy and sick, physicians and patients”.