Posted 7 мая 2020,, 12:27

Published 7 мая 2020,, 12:27

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Almost half of Russians reported a deterioration in their financial situation during the pandemic

7 мая 2020, 12:27
In the second half of April, the quantity of Russians, whose financial situation worsened, increased up to 42%. A serious decline in income is noted by 20% of citizens. Another 20% found the loss of income insignificant.

Such indicators follow from a survey conducted by InFOM by the order of the Central Bank, the results of which are given by Vedomosti.

According to the respondents, the main reason for the deterioration of their financial situation is the growth of expenses and the loss of work.

Analysts recorded in the first quarter a slight drop in Russian income - by 0.2% . Then the decline in income was associated with the devaluation of the ruble amid the collapse of the OPEC + deal. At the same time, experts warned that the most significant blow would be in the second quarter - due to restrictive measures introduced in connection with the coronavirus pandemic.

Analysts admit that Russians are systematically overtaken by material problems, and now the drop in income is already quite substantial.

The number of new unemployed is also growing. According to the survey, the share of employees hired due to a decrease in the share of workers in private enterprises to 24% , while the share of those who call themselves unemployed has grown to 6% . Recall that according to official statistics, in Russia at the end of April, 950 thousand registered unemployed were registered. On May 6, 1.2 million unemployed were announced.

It is noted that more than half of respondents complain about rising costs. 33% said that the reason for the increase in costs was the increase in prices, 9% - the need to spend more due to the fact that you constantly have to be at home during the period of self-isolation. According to an April survey, 28% of respondents said they were abandoning familiar goods, and now 44% say so.

15% of study participants said they borrowed over the past two weeks. Another 5% applied for a loan. Basically, loans were taken to cover current expenses. But some respondents admitted that the reason for borrowing was precisely the reduction in income. Recall that during March, the retail loan portfolio of banks grew by 290 billion rubles.

Experts concluded that the deterioration of material conditions is directly related to reduced consumption. Among those whose incomes declined significantly, 69% said they were saving.

Moreover, it was previously noted that the Russians, tired of self-isolation, began to spend more. For the week from April 27 to May 3, the largest share of unplanned spending was 16% .

But citizens began to lose interest in online shopping. This is especially true for cities with over one million people.

Note that the income of freelancers fell in April by a third.