Posted 18 мая 2020, 07:25

Published 18 мая 2020, 07:25

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Kadyrov demanded the dismissal of doctors complained about the lack of means of protection

18 мая 2020, 07:25
The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, demanded the dismissal of employees of the Gudermes hospital, who had previously complained about the lack of protective equipment for working with coronavirus patients. Doctors later publicly apologized, but Kadyrov believes that the "provocateurs" should be dismissed.

- Provocateurs must be fired. We have enough of everything - equipment, suits, masks, everything is enough, - Ramzan Kadyrov said at a meeting of the government of the republic.

The words of the head of the region are given by the Chechen State Television and Radio Company Grozny.

Kadyrov also said that not only Chechen health workers have enough remedies, but even to help neighboring regions.

He also made it possible to listen to an audio message stating that one of the doctors of the Gudermes Central District Hospital had died, and her son’s statement that she was alive. The dissemination of false information outraged the head of Chechnya.

- The doctor should relieve panic, calm, Even if they die, it is necessary to present in a different way. Hey people, aren't you ashamed? Leave, do not spread the rumors! - said Kadyrov.

Recall that earlier the doctors of the Central Hospital of the Gudermes region complained about the lack of masks, plague costumes and other means of protection against the coronavirus, but then they publicly apologized on the air of the regional television channel. They were also called “provocateurs” by the authors of the plot, who demonstrated boxes with protective equipment in the hospital.

“Several paramedics who did not even have to contact the patients raised this panic,” the author of the report said.

At the same time, some doctors have already been fired. Among them, the radiologist Zaur Borchashvili and the head physician of the hospital, Ilyas Enganoyev, who allegedly did not notify subordinates about the availability of protective equipment, lost their posts.

But the nurse Madina Selmurzaeva, who distributed the audio message in the messenger, the Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic Magomed Daudov proposed to send on paid leave for a while until the pandemic ends. Whether she will be fired now is not said.

Earlier, local residents were forced to publicly apologize for breaking the self-isolation regime in Chechnya.

Recall that in Chechnya, the 37-year-old deputy chief ambulance physician Ramzan Aidamirov died of coronavirus.

A total of 931 cases of coronavirus infection were detected in Chechnya. Nine patients died.