Posted 18 мая 2020,, 07:50

Published 18 мая 2020,, 07:50

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Survey: 83% of entrepreneurs do not expect to get help from the state

18 мая 2020, 07:50
Most business representatives believe that they can only rely on themselves. They expect a worsening situation in the near future.

Over 75% of representatives of small and medium enterprises in Russia are sure that the economic situation in the country will only get worse. This follows from a survey conducted by the developer of Megaplan business management software, the results of which are given by RBC.

The vast majority of respondents - 82.9% - indicated that the restaurant industry suffered the most from the coronavirus pandemic. 61.6% indicated problems in the fashion and beauty industry, while 48.5% were sure that the most difficult were those in the manufacturing sector.

Least of all the crisis affected representatives of the IT industry. This was stated by 81.5% of respondents. Also among those for whom the pandemic did not hit so hard, the telecommunications industry - 54.2% and medicine - 37.1% .

Representatives of small and medium-sized businesses are confident that in today's crisis they have to rely only on themselves. Over 83% of respondents do not rely on help from the authorities. Respondents see the rescue of business in the transition to online and process automation. This position is taken by 34% of respondents. 21.3% admitted that they see salvation in a “lifelong remoteness” and a partial abandonment of offices. At the same time, according to another survey, most employees themselves are unhappy with the remote work format. 5.2% of business representatives share the opinion that the authorities have already started or will soon begin to help the business.

Moreover, more than half - 53% - of the respondents said that they believe that the crisis makes the business stronger. Almost the same number - 52.3% - say that the crisis is not always followed by positive changes. And 26% of respondents do not consider the situation to be a crisis at all, but soon they expect its significant deterioration. Recall that the head of the “Finance and Economics” department of the Institute for Contemporary Development Nikita Maslennikov admitted that the economic forecast for the current year is rather sad.

- Each month of forced downtime is a deduction from GDP of 0.5 to 2%, plus 1% of GDP - this is the price of oil. As a result, it turns out that, according to the most conservative estimates, we fall into the forecast range of the Central Bank - from 4% to 6% of the fall in GDP, depending on how the anti-crisis measures work, - the expert said.

The hardest Maslennikov called the second quarter of the year. He predicted a negative GDP by the end of 2020.

Recall that more than half of Russian entrepreneurs could not receive state anti-crisis support, which was announced by the Russian government.