Posted 21 мая 2020,, 14:31

Published 21 мая 2020,, 14:31

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

In Peru, an official pretended to be dead while checking for observing the quarantine

21 мая 2020, 14:31
According to the Peruvian newspaper Comercio, the mayor of one of the Castrovirrein provinces in the west of the country crawled into a coffin and pretended to die in order not to fall for violating curfews and other quarantine measures imposed due to the outbreak of coronavirus COVID-19.

This is the head of the Tantara region, Jaime Rolando Urbin Torres. Despite the announced demands for self-isolation, he arranged a get-together with friends, accompanied by libations, but at that moment the officers of the national police unexpectedly showed up with a check. The head of the district then quickly climbed into one of the coffins in the room so that the police would think that he had already died from the coronavirus. The drinking companions did the same.

According to the RIA Novosti news agency, the police arranged a photo shoot for the simulators and later a photograph appeared in the media of Urbina Torres, lying in an open coffin with a mask on his face. But then all the "dead" were resurrected, detained and taken to the station, where the head of the district sobered up for a long time.

Previously, local residents have repeatedly accused Tantara Jaime Rolando Urbin Torres of not taking the situation with coronavirus seriously and not taking measures to combat the spread of COVID-19 on its territory, out of 54 days of quarantine, Urbin Torres was in Tantar for only eight days. Meanwhile, not the largest country in Peru with a population of 31 million people has already reached 12th place in the world in the number of cases of coronavirus detected (104 thousand).

Peruvian President Martin Wiscarra extended quarantine activities in the country until May 24, although he introduced some concession relief. It was decided to reduce its effect in most regions to eight hours - from 20.00 to 4.00. 3024 people became victims of COVID-19 in Peru , more than 41 thousand people were cured.

According to the German magazine Der Spiegel, Latin America is now experiencing a real "viral apocalypse." The famous Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro, the former capital of the country, will soon turn into a “Brazilian New York”, where on the worst days of the epidemic, corpses were stored in refrigerators on the streets and there was even talk of mass graves for coronavirus victims in parks. However, New York is a rich city in a wealthy country, and Rio de Janeiro is half composed of impoverished favela slums. In Ecuador, the funeral industry collapsed altogether, the dead are buried in common graves. As for Peru, in some regions of this country, one person per hour now dies from a coronavirus. At the same time, from the very beginning of the pandemic, in March, the most stringent quarantine measures in Latin America were introduced in Peru, but they did not help at all.