Posted 30 мая 2020,, 15:09

Published 30 мая 2020,, 15:09

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

The detention of the picket-men supporting Ilya Azar continued in Moscow

30 мая 2020, 15:09
In Moscow, single pickets were resumed near the Ministry of Internal affairs building on Petrovka street, 38, that were held in support of the journalist and politician Ilya Azar, who was arrested for 15 days.

Police detained four more people, among whom were municipal deputies Elena Filina, Andrey Morev and Natalya Remezova.

Participants in the Saturday rally began to be detained immediately when trying to stand on a picket with posters. As Yelena Filina told Novaya Gazeta, they were brought to the Tverskoy Department of Internal Affairs.

Pickets at the Moscow Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have not stopped for the third day. Detention continues. In total, about 30 people were detained. Only on the eve, on Friday, about 20 people were detained at Petrovka. Among them were activists Konstantin Fokin and Vadim Samolkin, person involved in the “Moscow affair” Samariddin Radzhabov, five deputies and other participants in the rally. Also, the journalists of "Echo of Moscow" Alexander Plyushchev and Tatyana Felgenhauer, who did not participate in the pickets, but covered what was happening, were again detained. According to Novaya Gazeta, they showed press cards, but they did not have an editorial task with them. The day before, they were already detained while trying to stand on a picket with the editor-in-chief of "Media Zone" Sergei Smirnov. Also on that day, photojournalist Victoria Ivleva, writer Alisa Ganieva and editor-in-chief of the portal "Such cases" Anastasia Lotareva were detained.

On Friday, the Moscow City Duma deputy Sergei Mitrokhin was also detained, who stood at the picket with the banner “No to police repressions! Freedom to Ilya Azar!”

Promotions of Ilya Azar’s support are taking place not only in Moscow - they took place in St. Petersburg and in Novosibirsk, where there were some detentions as well. Participants in the pickets urgently need to consider an appeal for the arrest of a journalist and municipal deputy Ilya Azar, who was detained several days ago and arrested for 15 days for a single picket in support of the creator of the human rights public ombudsman, Police Vorontsov. He is in a pre-trial detention center and four criminal cases have been brought against him at once.

Vorontsov himself has no doubt that his persecution is connected with materials that he publishes on his portal, criticizing the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After one of these reports, Yelena Ustinova, the head of the department of precinct city administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Novosibirsk, was fired. Vorontsov published audio recordings on which Ustinova gives instructions to subordinates, how many violators of self-isolation need to be detained every day, and are forced to work until the police plans are fulfilled.