Posted 11 июня 2020, 11:42

Published 11 июня 2020, 11:42

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

June 11 is the birthday of Oleg Vidov, who successfully treated dozens of colleagues from alcohol abuse

June 11 is the birthday of Oleg Vidov, who successfully treated dozens of colleagues from alcohol abuse

11 июня 2020, 11:42
On June 11, 1943 the famous Soviet actor Oleg Vidov was born.

TVC channel is currently making a documentary about Oleg Vidov, in which I participate as a journalist and the author of many interviews with the actor, and I also took part in the international film about the life of Oleg Vidov, produced by his widow.

Angelica Dean

In Russia, not everyone knows about the medical activities of Oleg Vidov. In America, together with his wife Joan, he created a rehabilitation center for treatment for alcoholism and drug addiction, in which they saved a galaxy of wonderful artists - stars of the first magnitude.

Today, the topic of alcoholism and drug addiction in the acting environment of Russia is more than relevant (a criminal case has been instituted against Mikhail Yefremov not only for driving while intoxicated, but also for the purchase of drugs), and it makes sense to recall Oleg Vidov’s story about the problem of alcoholism among the actors. Oleg Vidov once explained me that actors are at risk because of their increased emotionality, receptivity, vulnerability, psychological instability and hard work:

- Our clinic mainly treats movie stars, and the profession of an actor is very difficult both physically and psychologically, - Oleg Vidov noted during our conversation some yaers ago.

Vidov Clinic is located in the mountains, in an ecologically clean area, and the most favorable conditions for patients have been created in it. Oleg Vidov paid special attention to a strict diet of patients, excluding sweet, flour, coffee and more. In Russian drug treatment clinics, the issue of diets is not considered.

Oleg Vidov was convinced that alcoholism and drug addiction can be treated if a person sets a goal - to lead a healthy lifestyle. We talked about the fact that in America, alcoholism is considered not only a disease, but also a vice, a shame that is not encouraged by society. In America, no one will work with artists who are addicted to alcohol. We know many examples when alcohol crossed out the careers of actors, as it was with Mickey Rourke (only after treatment and a long rehabilitation he returned to the cinema). In America, even stars are not allowed to see minor children if they drink alcohol. Angelina Jolie insisted that her ex-husband Brad Pitt take an alcohol and drug test before each meeting with the children. Before this legal measure, Brad Pitt talked with his children only in the presence of a therapist. This seems absurd to us, but in America they are very sensitive to protecting children. Now imagine - what are the children of drinking artists forced to face? I will not take into account the minor children of Mikhail Efremov, who are now not so easy.

The problem of alcoholism and drug addiction in the acting environment is very serious. How many artists described on social networks - how brilliantly and enthusiastically Mikhail Yefremov played in a drunken state. The actors did not hide their delight, how he succeeds! In America, such words are simply impossible. Firstly, acting, which is learned in America daily, includes playing techniques, including drunk, drug addicts, while being absolutely sober. Not a single director and producer US will not risk money and reputation, working with a drinking artist. Our directors not only shoot drunken artists in their films, but also pay them huge fees from the money of the Ministry of Culture and the Fund of Cinema, state money. The fee of Mikhail Yefremov for one shooting day at least 500 thousand rubles.

Someone will say that we are far from Hollywood, although not so far. Half of Hollywood stars play according to the Stanislavsky system. The thing is that Russian and American actors have a different understanding of the Stanislavsky system.

Returning to Oleg Vidov, who glorified the domestic acting school abroad, and, by the way, categorically refused to play “bad Russians”, in the day of his birthday I want to invite viewers to watch these films with his participation: “Blizzard”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “The Red Robe”, "Waterloo", "The Headless Horseman" and, of course, "Gentlemen of Fortune" with Vitsin, Leonov and Kramarov. I also woud like to note that neither Vitsin, nor Leonov, nor Kramarov have ever acted in films being drunk.