Posted 16 июня 2020,, 15:07

Published 16 июня 2020,, 15:07

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

"Do you really need this - to be sick in a hotel?" Why you should refrain from the traveling to Crimea

"Do you really need this - to be sick in a hotel?" Why you should refrain from the traveling to Crimea

16 июня 2020, 15:07
According to the most famous Crimean blogger, despite the fact that tourists will soon have access to the peninsula, Crimea is not ready for the holiday season.

Alexander Gorny was worried about the epidemic (and not only!) Situation on the peninsula and warned his compatriots about the real danger posed by the rest in Crimea, despite the fact that from July 1, access to it will be open to all comers:

“The tourism industry is launching in Crimea today, a number of restrictions are being lifted, including mandatory observation. At the first stage, accommodation facilities will only accept residents of the Crimea, and from July 1, the peninsula will be open to mainland tourists. Rejoice at this or what?

Yesterday there were 27 patients with coronavirus, a day earlier 22 and we see in the last week the growth of patients, more precisely identified. Nobody knows how many people actually get sick, but if the number of cases grows, then on the eve of election day some experts do not exclude statistical somersaults.

The fact that in Crimea the number of cases will grow is already perceived by many as a fact. Despite a lot of restrictions for the operation of tourist facilities and accommodation facilities, many wanted to spit on all this and people can be understood, but not forgiven.

Only yesterday I spoke on the beach with a friend who, tired of Moscow, had arrived in Koktebel by car for two days. He says that he was able to break through the bridge from the second circle. There are hundreds, if not tens of thousands. A lot of cars from the mainland, clogged by tourists. Vacationers appeared on the beaches, but resort places are not ready to receive tourists.

My favorite Koktebel drowns in shit and garbage, 90% of the facilities are closed, literally a dozen open tents with souvenirs. The situation worsens year by year, we see paralysis and degradation of local government institutions and officials.

A public catering was launched in Feodosia, people fell out onto the embankment, everyone forgot about the mask regime, as well as about social distance.

Tourism must be launched, but no one can control the situation, it is simply unrealistic. We all saw how in April and May, with minimal traffic, the bridge and the airport were like a passage yard. Medical opportunities on the peninsula are limited and if there is an outbreak of the disease, then we can just drown. Many, including myself, predict a second and very tough wave of self-isolation / quarantine in the second half of July. I'd like to make mistakes, but the situation is very incomprehensible. According to hoteliers, they open at their own peril and risk, realizing that if they get sick in a hotel, they will be completely hit.

It’s quiet and calm in Crimea, it’s getting a little colder, the sea is gradually gaining temperature, and I swim almost every day. With fruit this year everything is very bad, prices are high. Strawberries are now at 230-300 rubles, good cherries at 250-300 rubles and a very incomprehensible situation with water on the peninsula, whose reserves tend to zero.

To go to the Crimea or not this year? Let everyone decide for himself, evaluating his financial capabilities and other risks. But every time I write posts about tourism, I highly recommend:

  1. Only by car!!! No planes or trains.
  2. Avoid large hotels, stay in resort villages.
  3. Do not make a prepayment, and before the checking into a hotel - confirm that there are observed minimum safety and control measures.
  4. Have a reserve of money for the return trip and forced self-isolation / accommodation for two weeks at least
  5. Have a margin of time, at least two to three weeks, in the event of a focus of the disease in the hotel or you.
  6. Exclude travel for older people and with children.
  7. Have a stock of medicines, find out the phone numbers and addresses of the nearest hospital.
  8. Avoid catering, cook only by yourselves.
  9. Relax on the remote beaches, where there are fewer people, but do not forget about the rules of behavior on the water, especially if there are no lifeguards.

The wish list can be continued, but this year I would recommend relaxing in my native region and, if you go to the sea, then not earlier than the end of July, when the situation will be more clear. All this applies not only to the Crimea, but also to the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory.

Coronavirus can be treated differently, but it is one thing to get sick at home, another thing to get sick in a hotel, where hardly anyone can help you. Do you need it?”