Posted 18 июня 2020,, 20:57

Published 18 июня 2020,, 20:57

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Two-thirds of Russian doctors opposed mandatory vaccination against coronavirus

18 июня 2020, 20:57
Two-thirds (76%) of Russian doctors opposed the need for coronavirus vaccination for all residents of the country. Every fifth doctor said that vaccination of the entire population should be mandatory, it should be included in the national calendar of preventive vaccinations.

Every second (53%) Russian doctor believes that mass vaccination is useless. This is due to the fact that the current strain of the virus is losing its virulence, and vaccines are yet to be developed from new strains. For this option, female doctors more often voted than male doctors (58% versus 41%, respectively). Male doctors were also more likely to advocate for mass vaccination - every fourth male doctor spoke about it, according to a survey by RNC Pharma and Doctor at Work.

More than 10% of doctors say that it is necessary to vaccinate only those people who are at risk for this disease. The same percentage said that companies that produce medicines need to reserve enough capacity to be able to quickly produce the right amount of vaccines if the epidemic in the country worsens.

Earlier, a third of Russians said they did not want to be vaccinated against coronavirus. Two-thirds of residents surveyed believe that vaccination should be voluntary. At the same time, as follows from the draft new Code of Administrative Offenses (CAO), for refusal of compulsory vaccination, Russians may face a fine of five to seven thousand rubles.

In Russia, various institutes are developing up to 100 different vaccines for a new disease. On Thursday, human vaccine trials were launched at the Burdenko Military Clinical Hospital. Last Tuesday, the Ministry of Health gave permission for this. The potential drug was developed by scientists at the Gamalei Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology. Earlier it was tested on animals. The vaccine was effective. After introducing it to 18 volunteers on Thursday, none of them felt bad, and no adverse reactions occurred. Now the first volunteers will be tested for vaccine efficacy. If all of them are good, the vaccine will continue to be tested on new volunteers. It was previously noted that the first subjects will be discharged from the hospital no earlier than a month later. They will be in contact with doctors for another six months after discharge.

Scientists from the United States and Britain believe that the first vaccines are unlikely to stop the spread of the virus. Since the authorities are rushing researchers with their inventions, scientists will only be able to develop such a reaction that either prevents the virus from flowing into a severe form, or protects the body from infection, or can fight the virus inside the body. It will not be possible to invent a vaccine for all cases at once, scientists believe, adding that now they are mainly focused on the invention of a vaccine that prevents the development of severe forms of the disease.