Posted 21 июня 2020,, 20:50

Published 21 июня 2020,, 20:50

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

In Khrabrovo, near Moscow, police dealt with participants in the rally on Memorial Day

In Khrabrovo, near Moscow, police dealt with participants in the rally on Memorial Day

21 июня 2020, 20:50
Yesterday, from the mass grave in the village of Khrabrovo, where the heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812 and the thousands of Red Army soldiers who died on the Mozhaisk line in the 1941-45 war, rest, a mini-rally started on the route Khrabrovo - Panino - Uvarovka - 125th kilometer - Borodino, dedicated to the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow.

The cars were decorated with mourning symbols, residents intended to lay flowers and light lamps at the graves and obelisks along the route.

This was not destined to happen. So much was brought to a small police event as if it were a protest rally in Moscow. A minibus drove past, crowded with employees, there were many operational workers, a dozen traffic police blocked the exit from the village. The vigilance of law enforcement agencies is related to the expectation that the rally participants will campaign against a landfill illegally located in the conservation area of the Borodino Field monument, four hundred meters from the village of Khrabrovo. The suffocating slop smell just stretches along the entire route ... However, the organizers of the event did not hide their intentions to connect the day of sorrow with garbage issues. Participants in the rally unfurled posters that read "We live here," "Did our grandfathers fight for this?" "And" No garbage in the Borodino security zone. "

According to OVD-info, police detained an active participant in the rally, Maria Korshunova, right at the training ground. An attempt by residents to recapture a woman has failed. People were pushed, threatened with detention, even a 90-year-old pensioner, the oldest communist, Nadezhda Konstantinovna Mikhno, actively protesting against the illegal seizure of lands covered with soldier’s blood, under ordinary trash , grabbed the hands of a traffic police car .

Maria Korshunova was taken to the Uvarov police department in the Mozhaisk city district; a protocol was drawn up on violation of the rules for holding a mass event (article 20.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses) during the coronavirus pandemic.

Later, the detained Korshunova, according to her father, was transported to the ITT in Mozhaisk. A trial is due on Monday.

Mozhaisk social networks are boiling with indignation: “They dealt with parents and children, old people and a girl. How do you sleep, the mighty of this world? How much folk money was spent on the “special operation” to capture and disperse the rally in honor of Memorial and Sorrow? ” The general sad conclusion: “If we were behind the training ground, the authorities would allow us to remember the fallen, and the coronavirus would not prevent this ...” It seems so. After all, the epidemic did not become an obstacle to the Victory Parade on Red Square.

Details of the action - in this video