Posted 22 апреля 2021,, 06:26

Published 22 апреля 2021,, 06:26

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Instagram will launch a filter for offensive posts

22 апреля 2021, 06:26
The social network Instagram announced the imminent appearance of a new feature that will allow you to put a filter on messages with offensive words or emojis. It will only affect requests for correspondence, but not messages from those who are already friends with users. The new filter can be enabled in the settings.

The filter will be launched in several countries in the coming weeks (but in which ones, it is not specified), then the geography of its application will be expanded. The new function will work similarly to comment filters under posts - users will be able to add words themselves, which will be taken into account when filtering.

"Requests containing insults or incorrect emoji will automatically be placed in a separate folder. Their text will be hidden, but when clicked, it will be displayed, and then users will be able to accept the request, delete the message or complain about it", - notes RBC.

Instagram took safety measures for teens earlier in mid-March. The social network has banned adult users from writing to those teens they are not subscribed to, and teens have begun to be alerted to "potentially suspicious behavior" of new adult "friends" if they send many friend requests to minors. New underage users of the social network are now encouraged to make their profile private.