Posted 23 июня 2021,, 09:48

Published 23 июня 2021,, 09:48

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

"My body is my business!" Yegor Beroyev came to TEFI with a yellow star on his jacket

23 июня 2021, 09:48
Actor Yegor Beroev attended the TEFI - Chronicle of Victory television award ceremony with a yellow star on his jacket - a sign that the Nazis used to mark Jews during the Holocaust.

The artist addressed the audience with an emotional speech, in which he spoke out in defense of the rights of those who do not want to be vaccinated.

"...I want to say today about the things that worry me for the last two days. I want to tell you that I have not been vaccinated against the coronavirus, and some of my acquaintances have been vaccinated, and even friends have been vaccinated.

This has never been the reason for our quarrels and disputes.

We are adults and respect each other's choice: you know, my body is my business.

But today I woke up in a world where it has become an identification mark: are you a citizen or will you be on a reservation, will you be able to visit institutions and events, will you enjoy all the benefits and rights.

I have a question: how could we, the descendants of the winners, allow this to happen?

My point is that no human life and dignity can be sacrificed for the public good. It is written in blood in the Nuremberg Codex.

A person is inseparable from his dignity and freedom of choice, even if you do not like this choice and you wish him exclusively well.

I ask you, friends and colleagues present here, do not allow us to be separated from you, do not allow enmity between us, do not allow the segregation of society into smart and stupid, people with Down syndrome and without, white and black people, Jews and non-Jews, vaccinated and the unvaccinated.

It already happened once. And our grandfathers paid in blood to prevent this from happening again".