Posted 28 апреля 2022, 06:42

Published 28 апреля 2022, 06:42

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:36

Kherson was shelled by "Tochka-U" from the Nikolayev region, controlled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Kherson was shelled by "Tochka-U" from the Nikolayev region, controlled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine

28 апреля 2022, 06:42
The Tochka-U missiles were flying from the Mykolaiv region, controlled by Ukrainian forces.

RIA correspondent. News, who was in Kherson at the time of the shelling, said that first there was an explosion from the Hurricane, "they are usually launched in front of the Tochka-U to confuse the air defense". Then another such explosion was heard / 6 after - the shelling of the Pantsir air defense, and after that he saw a flash in the sky.

"It was clear that it was flying from the side of the Nikolaev region, from the north-west", - said the representative of the agency.

He added that after that, he saw that something was descending on parachutes, probably cluster parts, after which the first "big bang" was heard, and a minute later - the second of the same.

"Then fragments flew, I ducked. Then there were about ten small gaps, but it may have been the "Shell" that fired, it's hard to say for sure", - the correspondent specified.

According to a source in the security forces in Kherson, Ukrainian security forces fired three Tochka-U missiles into the city, two of which were shot down. The crater from one of the explosions was about five meters. Rocket fragments also fell into Shevchenko park.