Posted 4 мая 2022, 06:26

Published 4 мая 2022, 06:26

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:37

A sudden check of the reaction forces started in Belarus

A sudden check of the reaction forces started in Belarus

4 мая 2022, 06:26
A sudden check of the reaction forces has begun in the Armed Forces of Belarus, during which military units and subunits will have to work out the issues of putting on alert, march to designated areas and perform combat training tasks.

The Ministry of Defense of the Republic indicated that the purpose of the audit would be to assess the ability and readiness of personnel to quickly respond to a possible crisis.

“Military units and subdivisions will operate in unfamiliar areas of the terrain in a rapidly changing environment”, - the department noted.

The composition of the forces involved in the verification will be gradually increased. This will test their ability to counter military threats on the ground and in the air. Particular attention is planned to be paid to providing systems for favorable conditions for the actions of combat military units.

“During the inspection, a significant amount of military equipment was planned to be moved, which may impede movement on public roads”, - the ministry said.