Posted 4 мая 2022,, 13:06

Published 4 мая 2022,, 13:06

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Oncologist Ilya Fomintsev: “I left Russia, but I won’t abandon my projects”

4 мая 2022, 13:06
The founder and head of the Cancer Prevention Foundation and the creator of the "Higher School of Oncology" was forced to leave the country, but promises to continue his educational activities

As Russian social networks have already reported, Ilya Fomintsev, the famous St. Petersburg oncologist, the founder of the Cancer Prevention Foundation “Not in vain”, the creator of the Higher School of Oncologists, left Russia after the security forces came to his house. In February 2022, Fomintsev was arrested for 20 days for participating in a rally against the Russian special operation in Ukraine for “repeated violation of the rules for holding a rally”.

The security forces tried to break into his apartment while Fomintsev was in the special reception, they knocked on the door for a long time, but Fomintsev's wife Polina did not open it for them. The oncologist wrote about this in his blog:

“Well, right after the good news, the news is not very good. While I was not at home, the police came to my house. Two are in civilian clothes. They scared my wife, knocked on the door for 10 minutes, demanded that Polya open the door and give explanations about my arrest in Moscow. Most likely this is "preventive work", because "a signal came to the place of residence." (…)

It doesn’t matter to me why they came and what they wanted, whether it was dangerous or not. I just don't want to hear my wife talking on the phone with a trembling voice and the kids crying in the background."

The Not in Vain Foundation promotes cancer prevention among Russians, and the Higher School of Oncology is an educational project for medical graduates. led by oncologist Ilya Fomintsev.

For example, recently the “Not in vain” project team developed and modified the free “Screen” test twice.

This is a system of personal recommendations for cancer prevention. Not at all complicated, but an effective and important step towards maintaining your health. The test allows you to determine the existing human indications for screening and early detection of 6 types of cancer - lung, breast, colon, prostate, cervical and skin cancer. The effectiveness of the recommendations provided by the results of the test is confirmed by studies around the world. All examinations recommended as part of the test are available for performance in Russia.

It is important that Screen does not repeat the oncological screening program as part of the state medical examination, but some of the examinations recommended based on the results of the test can be done free of charge at the CHI polyclinic

"Screen" is only one of the four services of the free portal "All is not in vain" and exists on donations from individuals and organizations.

It is understandable, therefore, that after Fomintsev's departure, the public is concerned about the fate of these institutions. However, the oncologist himself reassured:

“Comrades, I don’t want to work in such an environment. Alles. Tired.

I will give the keys to the apartment to Shvonder - let him operate. I will think about how to complete my romance with St. Petersburg and the country. But not with the HSE and with the foundation.

Despite everything, work on guidelines for cancer patients continues. We were able to publish a core of articles on the most important section, which is needed in general for all patients. It was especially needed for normal work on the other sections. This is the "General questions about cancer" section: how is it diagnosed, how is it treated, what complications, how is it staged, how is the prognosis assessed, and so on.

The fact is that no matter what section we write, topics constantly arise that are a common place for all localizations of cancer. And in order not to get up 1000 times, we have made such a section in which everything will be concentrated that is not species-specific information.

Take a look - it's really useful for everyone. The section will be constantly updated, including answers to organizational questions. What you see is just the beginning, the core of the section.

I kindly ask those who do not do this yet - support the work on guidelines for patients with recurrent donations. This is a huge job... We constantly need her support. This can be done in the same place - on the same link.

Now another important section is next in line - Colorectal Cancer..."