Posted 21 июля 2022,, 13:13

Published 21 июля 2022,, 13:13

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

"Take it as it is": residents of St. Petersburg fought for apartments for 4 years and got it unfinished

"Take it as it is": residents of St. Petersburg fought for apartments for 4 years and got it unfinished

21 июля 2022, 13:13
Фото: Александр Дыбин
Shareholders of the residential complex "Lomonosov" in St. Petersburg are thirsty for revenge. For several years people have been waiting for their apartments.

Part of the house was rented out, but it is impossible to live in a new building. People demand to punish not only the developer, who has already become a defendant in a criminal case, but also the officials who accepted the unfinished house.

Alexander Dybin, St. Petersburg

“I bought an apartment in 2017 for my son, my daughter-in-law was pregnant, they wanted the young family to have its own corner,” says the shareholder Irina Morozova, “now my grandson is already 5 years old and they promise to hand over the apartment in March 2023”.

The residential complex is located on the outskirts of the city of Lomonosov, which is part of the borders of St. Petersburg. Four buildings of nine-story buildings were supposed here, with underground parking and closed courtyards. But the company "Petrostroy" went into bankruptcy. As usual, at first they stopped building, "fed" people with breakfast, and then disappeared altogether. This summer, the legal entity was officially declared bankrupt. At the same time, part of the house still managed to pass. Half of the complex is already occupied, the second is waiting for the delivery of its square meters. This half is being completed by another company found by the city authorities. Those who had already moved in immediately encountered problems: the roof was leaking, the elevators were not working, there was water in the parking lot and mold was growing. At the same time, the house was officially put into operation. Between two groups of neighbors, who already lives in the apartment and who is still waiting, there is no envy: everyone is in the same boat. The house is a single complex, and the problems of the part that has already been handed over - as well as what they have "done" in the not yet handed over, will be common.

“When accepting my apartment, there were a number of shortcomings, but the representatives of the developer said: you can not sign, but there will be no one to eliminate it”, - says a resident of Lomonosov Dmitry, - “in fact, people were given an ultimatum - take it as it is, without looking. Everyone knew that Petrostroy was in a pre-bankrupt state and if the apartment was not accepted, it would fall into the bankruptcy estate, you would have to prove that it was yours. Therefore, many signed and accepted apartments. And then it turned out that there were big problems with the house. The most serious is a roof leak. Water flows into the apartments, common areas are flooded, the most important thing is the parking lot, where elevator chambers are also located. Because of the water, elevators cannot be started, heating and electricity are on a temporary basis, and there is no necessary equipment in the heating points. This is not counting the fact that the developer left behind a bunch of garbage, and in some apartments, the remains of the life of the workers.

Now it is noisy at the Lomonosov Residential Complex site. Work is in full swing on the unfinished part, the third building is being completed, the foundation of the fourth is being poured. They even try to somehow solve the problem with water in the basement. We go down to the parking lot and there we really meet a lake of rainwater. A construction "goat" rises above it, on which an electric switch has been hoisted. So a meter from the water the house is connected to electricity. A little further is a dry spot, rubber boots left by workers and a battery of heat guns. They're trying to dry out the parking lot.

“It’s useless,” the residents say, “after every rain, the water flows down, and the waterproofing did it wrong, the water doesn’t go anywhere, black mold is already spreading on the walls”.

According to the residents, the new developer, the Leader company, is ready to eliminate all the shortcomings. But this requires 16 million rubles.

“This is an economy-class house, people invested their mother’s capital, mortgages, the amount is not lifting for people”, - says Anastasia Sapozhnikova, a shareholder in the fourth building, “they are only pouring the foundation at our building, but we look at it with concern. They promise to hand over the house in December 2023, and there are already doubts, since the Leader is 2 months behind schedule. We understand that they are trying to fix the “jambs” of the previous developer. The whole house has a common foundation, they built the third building, but the foundation of the 4th was not yet. Now it is only poured, and one side outweighs. Under the foundation pit, there was a heating main, right under the future house. She had to be dug up. There are 56 flights of stairs in the third building, the old ones could collapse.

Last week, the patience of the equity holders could not stand it, and they recorded a video message to the head of the TFR, Alexander Bastrykin, with a request to initiate a criminal case against the employees of the State Construction Supervision Authority, who allowed the house to be put into operation with such imperfections.

As explained in the construction committee of the government of St. Petersburg, the delay in the completion of the 3rd and 4th buildings was due to objective reasons.

“Long-term transfer of the construction site to Petrostroy LLC, the absence of project documentation in full, the discovery of large boulders during excavation and the need to dismantle flights of stairs due to violations of technological processes allowed by Petrostroy LLC,” the city government clarified, “according to the assurances of the chief engineer of the new developer, these delays will not affect the completion time of the facility. The company plans to eliminate backlogs from the schedule for the 3rd building before September, and for the 4th building in December this year. In addition, a decision was made to assist the Atmosfera management company in eliminating the shortcomings made by Petrostroy LLC during the construction of building 2.

It should be noted that the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region declared the Petrostroy company, owned by entrepreneurs Lyudmila Yakovleva and Dmitry Ipatov, bankrupt. The company has 11 problematic houses left in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. The total amount required to complete them exceeds 8 billion rubles. Ipatov became a defendant in two criminal cases. The first one has already been completed. Under the article “Attraction of funds from citizens in violation of the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on participation in shared construction”, Ipatov received only a court fine of 150 thousand rubles. The case was based on the situation with the Lampo residential complex in Murino, where 173 citizens were left without apartments, and the damage was estimated at 270 million rubles. The second case is larger and is still under investigation. It is connected with the theft of funds from equity holders of the Lomonosov, Materik, Chisty Ruchey and Severny Waltz residential complexes. In these LCDs, 6,272 equity holders suffered, the damage was estimated at more than 5 billion rubles.