Posted 22 июля 2020,, 08:03

Published 22 июля 2020,, 08:03

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Yellow level of weather hazard is announced in Moscow

Yellow level of weather hazard is announced in Moscow

22 июля 2020, 08:03
In Moscow and the Moscow region from 9:00 to 17:00 the yellow level of weather hazard will be in act. Heavy rain and thunderstorms are expected in the capital during this period.

This is reported by the Hydrometeorological Center. Muscovites should not wait for warm weather until the end of the week.

- A new life usually begins on Monday, so the weather decided to change that day too. From the beginning of next week, quite noticeable changes - the southeast wind, the temperature in the region will be 23-28 degrees, in Moscow - 25-28 degrees, - TASS quotes the words of the scientific director of the Hydrometeorological Center Roman Vilfand.

The forecaster clarified that the clarification will begin on Sunday, but light precipitation is not excluded.

- The first half of the new week will be warm and comfortable, but by the end of this week the temperature will be much lower than normal, by about three degrees, - said Wilfand.

Earlier, Roman Vilfand promised the residents of the capital “a normal Moscow summer”.

Let us recall that the meteorologist also warned about dangerous weather events in a number of regions. A storm wind and heavy rainfall should come to the center of the Urals, to the south of Tyumen and north of Tomsk regions, to the Kemerovo region.
