On the nature of earthquakes: how the elements "play" with the Earth without disturbing the brains of scientists

On the nature of earthquakes: how the elements "play" with the Earth without disturbing the brains of scientists

17 марта 2023, 16:22
Attempts to explain the causes of the February catastrophic earthquake in Turkey and Syria have demonstrated the incredible ignorance of scientific journalists and even scientists around the world.

Igor Ognev, scientific journalist

Throughout February, our planet is tormented by earthquakes, including terrible ones. But here you read the press, and scientific, and you are amazed. Colleagues who do not specialize in this field of science are forgivable, but when God knows what scientists say, burdened with degrees, it's time to grab their heads.

How Wegener cut the globe of the earth

In a word, Bembel's classmate from Tomsk Polytechnic Institute made one of the reports on Kuzbass at the congress. At the heart, of course, is plate tectonics. Here, the speaker says, is a characteristic feature of the geology of Kuzbass – steep folded mountains. From the west, they say, the Salair plate came up – pressed, from the north the Kolyvan plate came up and also pressed – there were uplifts. And there are no mountains from the east…

At this point, the speaker paused, and amid the deathly silence in the hall, Bembel's voice rang out:

– And no one came up, so there are no mountains!

The audience roared with laughter. The speaker did not hear the remark and asked during the break: "What did you say?". Bembel repeated. And then the colleague himself rolled with laughter. Having finished laughing, he said that he had never heard a more evil satire on plate tectonics.

History has preserved an equally anecdotal origin, if I may say so, of the "theory of continental drift". The author of this fantasy is the German Alfred Wegener, an astronomer by education. However, he did not work in his specialty, becoming a meteorologist under his older brother at the Linderberg Observatory.

"For the first time, the idea of continental drift," writes Wegener himself, "came to me back in 1910 when looking at the world map in connection with the direct impression of the coincidence of the outlines of coastlines on both sides of the Atlantic... This prompted me to review, at first superficially, the available research results on this issue in the geological and paleontological fields." Later, Wegener discovered coincidences here, which finally inspired him.

The story has been preserved that Wegener's father-in-law, a well-known professor at the University of Marburg, really wanted the young son-in-law to become famous for something like that. And he suggested exactly how. The co-authorship is silent, but the father-in-law warmly supported the idea of the movement of continents. By the way, Wegener worked with his father-in-law at the same University of Marburg for five years, before the outbreak of the war in 1914.

"Only amateurs can take seriously the similarity of the shores of the western and eastern Atlantic coasts," Bembel comments. – Accurate measurements of their contours have been made, they are published in a book by Australian geologist Warren Carey. Only the corresponding parts of the coasts of South Africa and South America are more or less connected. And the northern parts of the continents are not at all similar. But after all, in addition to the Atlantic, there are three other oceans on the planet, where there is not the slightest similarity of the shores that they wash. But for some reason the pliers do not mention this! They prove the validity of their ridiculous theory on a small piece of the Atlantic and spread it to all oceans. I do not know why geologists perceive such stupidity.

– Well, what do you say about the coincidences on different shores of the Atlantic in the geological and paleontological fields? – I ask Bembel.

– I will say that all the oceans were formed according to the standard scheme. There is a geological map of the bottom of all the oceans, which clearly traces these stages. Quite recently – by geological standards, of course – about half a billion years ago, instead of oceans on Earth there were swamps, lakes and very shallow seas. And then the continental crust began to collapse in places, turning into a thin oceanic one. There the active formation of rifts began. And now imagine a certain plate on which everything is the same: both the animal world and the age of the breeds. The plate in certain places, according to our geosoliton concept, begins to fail, and on all the shores around the failure, of course, there will be the same geology and animal remains. A striking example is Baikal. It doesn't take a lot of intelligence to prove it.

In the 20-30s of the XX century, the outstanding geologist-tectonist V.V. Belousov demolished the theory of continental drift and plate tectonics that had become popular. This scientist was the first in the world to determine that the main role in the distribution of continents and oceans on the planet is played by deep "roots" that went into the Earth's mantle. Looking ahead, I will say that these "roots" turned out to be Bembel geosolitons half a century later. Belousov in the same years was supported only by W.S. Carey, also an irreconcilable opponent of the Plitnikov.

Belousov knocked one of the main trump cards out of the hands of Wegener's supporters: they say that continents, like plates, drift because they slide on some kind of lubricant. Belousov proved that high-temperature hotbeds of melts (the same volcanoes) are dispersed over the Earth both in time and in space. This means that they cannot form a continuous and viscous lubricant on the boundary of the mantle and the earth's crust, along which the plates allegedly slide.

–Floating continents,– Bembel comments, –are the weakest point of the flagstones. There are about one thousand volcanoes on Earth, their magma is not enough to lubricate all the plates. I'm not talking about the fact that volcanoes do not erupt all at once, but as soon as they stall, magma immediately freezes. Well, how will plates tens of kilometers thick move without lubrication? By themselves? This is the ravings of a madman, childish babble…

The Wegenerists, of course, proudly ignored these arguments.

But over the years, opponents have presented plitnik with more and more arguments. Not knowing how to fend them off, they, with the support of the United Nations, broke through an international project: to drill about 200 wells in different places of the World Ocean. They expected that the oceanic crust would be relatively young, and the fact would be an "iron" proof of the expansion of the ocean floor. And that means the movement of continents.

The Americans equipped the Glomar Challenger with special equipment. With the participation of well-known Soviet researchers, an international group completed the project by the end of 1971 and processed the results. And – Wegener's supporters all over the world announced that their theory had completely triumphed!

– This is the trick, – Bembel comments. – The Challenger team drilled only very small wells. After all, it was only necessary to prove that there were young or cover basalts at the bottom of the ocean. They are the ones that cover the ancient deposits. How? Very simple. Deep gas flows through the cracks of the Earth, heating up to thousands of degrees along the way. The walls of the cracks melt, the mixture is brought to the surface and, like water, spreads over ancient rocks. Drill a well deeper, as we did in Western Siberia – and this model is suitable for any area of the world - and the Challenger team would have discovered ancient rocks. But the authors of the project had a completely different goal.

In the late 60s, the American geophysicist V. Morgan and his French colleague C. Le Pichon put forward the theory of lithospheric plates. They divided the Earth's firmament into 8 largest, allocating several dozen microplates. The largest "planted" continents that move astride the plates. And by 1980, by the 100th anniversary of Wegener, who still became famous, they started talking about a new paradigm of geology, even about a scientific revolution. Since then, the "theory of lithospheric plates" has been taught in all universities of the world.

However, I will return to Tethys. If it's not the slabs, perched on top of each other, shaking it, then what?

Let me remind you that the whole Tethys, the latitudinal belt of the Earth, exploding with earthquakes is a unique phenomenon. It is repeated probably once a century, and maybe once a millennium. Statistics could not be found. What could have influenced Tethys to make him incredibly excited?

Herschel's "Heavy Artillery"

There are reasons, there may even be several. It is impossible to make out all of them here, but the uniqueness of the current events is that they coincided, giving rise to the effect that we are observing.

One probable reason was reported by researchers at Peking University. They found that over the years 2009-20, the rotation of the Earth's inner core slowed down, has now stopped and may have spun in the opposite direction. What can be expected from such a fact is known from the earthquake in the Indian Ocean on December 26, 2004 . The impact with a magnitude of 9.1 to 9.3 out of 9.5 maximum on the Richter scale caused a tsunami – the deadliest in modern history: in coastal countries, a 10-meter wave claimed the lives of 235 thousand people. Attention: before that, the seismic stations recorded the shortest – in 1 millisecond – stop of the inner core of the Earth. However, then the natural cataclysm did not affect the entire Tethys, because it was the only one.

This time I will note at least two more reasons. Firstly, Professor Robert Bembel recalled that once every 11 years the ellipsoid orbit of Jupiter, the largest planet in our Galaxy, comes as close as possible to the Sun. And the rapprochement has just begun. Secondly, such a fact may also be very influential on the behavior of Tethys. A group of astronomers at the University of Pennsylvania reported in mid-February that in October 2022 they recorded the most powerful light emission (gamma-ray burst) in the universe in the entire history of observations. Let me clarify: this happens when a star explodes, maybe in a neighboring Galaxy. At the same time, astronomers write, more energy is released than from the Sun in 10 billion years! Subsequent observation showed that the outbreak occurred much earlier – by 2.4 billion. light-years, which means that in October its energy dropped significantly. Nevertheless, it is impressive!

And finally, the last fact, or rather, a series of facts. On February 18, RBC published a message from the chief researcher of the Lebedev Institute of Space Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergey Bogachev, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences: one of the largest flares in recent years has been recorded on the Sun. It was preceded by a "slight increase in activity" of the Sun.

The same flare was reported in the Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun of the Institute of Space Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The flash was classified as X2.2, that is, according to the highest class. "According to preliminary data, the clouds of solar plasma ejected by the explosion will reach the Earth's orbit within one and a half to two days, that is, on February 20, 2023," the report says.

Scientists stressed that over the past 1.5 months since the beginning of the year, five flashes of the highest class have already been recorded on the Sun, whereas over the whole of last year there were only seven. "The increase in solar activity is about 20-30% higher than forecast, which may mean either an earlier peak of activity, possibly at the end of this year, or a significantly higher maximum than previously predicted," the RAS concluded.

I will start with the fact that, fixated on Turkey and Syria, where natural disasters really deserve special attention for their tragic consequences, none of the experts even mentioned that a wave of earthquakes swept from Japan and the Kuriles, Taiwan and China, through Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand, across Kazakhstan, Romania and closed in a matter of days in the USA. The elements did not bypass Russia either.

Our planet has two belts of geosolithonic activity, which are well known to seismologists. One – Tethys - is latitudinal, encircles the Earth from Central America through the Central Atlantic, Spain, the Caucasus, Indonesia, the Pacific Ocean and again goes to Central America.

The second meridian belt is the Central Pacific. It goes north from the Aleutian Arc through Kamchatka, Japan, a piece of Southeast Asia, through West Africa through the Cordillera and the South Pole. The two hoops intersect just in Southeast Asia and in the Caribbean. They are characterized by increased seismic activity.

The name Tethys instead of the former – the Central Mediterranean Sea – was proposed back in 1893 by a very large Austrian geologist Suess, who was not only friends, but also worked closely with academician V.I. Vernadsky. Tethys is the name of the spouse and sister of the Ocean. Suess chose the name for a reason: behind it stands an ancient sea basin that stretched from Mexico to the Himalayas.

And here is the first shock from the comments of scientists: although the element shakes the entire latitudinal belt of the Earth, none of them pronounced this name – Tethys! Why is this fundamentally important? Yes, because for the current excitement of Tethys there must be extraordinary reasons of a universal scale. And they are, what else will we talk about.

The second shock is the causes of earthquakes. But again, experts are not talking about the entire Tethys, but only about the south of Turkey and the north of Syria, where two strong tremors of magnitude 7.8 and 7.5 on the Richter scale were recorded on February 6, and together with the weak ones – more than 1 million. Looking ahead, I will say that the tremors continue at the moment when these lines are being written. Here is how on February 9, the President of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology of Italy, Professor Carlo Doglioni, commented on these two earthquakes: they "are part of a single seismic sequence caused by the intersection of four constantly colliding plates – the Anatolian, Arabian, Euro-Asian and African. The plates are accumulating energy to such an extent that this has led to the activation of a long fault."

In the same text there is a comment by Tatiana Churikova, a senior researcher at the Institute of Volcanology and Seismology of the FEB RAS. She repeated the opinion of an Italian colleague: "There was a horizontal sliding, i.e. in one plane, of the Anatolian plate to the southwest in relation to the Arabian plate." I will not cite the comments of other plitnik.

And now – a scientific anecdote that Robert Mikhailovich Bembel, professor of Tyumen Industrial University, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and Doctor of Geological and mineralogical Sciences, author of the ether-geosoliton concept (EGC), told me a long time ago. In the spring of 2011, Bembel once again participated in the work of the international congress on the degassing of the Earth, which Academician Pyotr Nikolaevich Kropotkin proposed to organize at the end of the XX century. Let me remind you that the idea of degassing the planet is one of the main ones in the EGC. And the fact that various aspects of degassing have been discussed by the permanent international congress for more than 20 years speaks volumes. Bembel gives one of the main reports there every time. The trick, as they say now, is that plate tectonics and EGC are antagonists. But if many geologists of the planet believe in the first, then the second only wins supporters. EGC is a fundamentally different paradigm, which we will return to later.

What are such outbreaks fraught with for the Earth? According to Bogachev, no particularly strong consequences are expected on Earth, since it will be affected "only by a limited edge." Will it affect, presumably, the outbreak? That is, light? And how can he influence Tethys in proud solitude?

However, we keep in mind that orthodox science, firstly, thinks within the framework of the "theory of continental drift". And secondly, the last, although the strongest, solar flare, as you now know, is not the only source of influence on the Earth…

And in general, is it worth dwelling on the Sun if the Earth is shaking? The whole thing, however, is that the processes in the universe are linked to each other, and the planets live in harmony. And why - the Sun? Historically, the processes occurring in the Earth, as well as the nuances of its structure, began to be studied after scientists step by step penetrated into the secrets of the luminary. Simply because there were no tools with which to look closely at the bowels of our planet. Therefore, we cannot do without history, especially since it is very instructive.

Galileo was the first to observe the sky with an armed eye in 1610, having built a telescope with a magnification 30 times greater than that of existing instruments at that time. And Galileo was shocked: it turns out there are spots on the Sun! And besides, the luminary is not frozen in place, but rotates around its axis! It was not just dangerous to say such things then, but deadly: the Inquisition was conducting a trial of Copernicus, who claimed that the Earth rotates…

A century and a half later, William Herschel made a revolution in this area. The poor musician, who by the age of forty had "fallen ill" with astronomy, did not have the money to buy a telescope, and he makes it himself. Moreover, with an unprecedented huge mirror, hand-polished. The massive device – 120 cm across and 12 m long - was rotated on a special platform, and up and down - with the help of blocks.

Herschel's discovery became a sensation: he saw not only spots on the Sun, but also prominences or, as the scientist wrote, "thin columnar eruptions." At the end of the XIX century, the outstanding Russian cosmologist Ivan Yarkovsky, who will be discussed below, will determine that the diameter of the "thin" prominences is 200 thousand km, larger than the diameter of the Earth, and the height is over 1 million km. Herschel was the first to talk about the cold inside the Sun!

However, what are these prominences? After all, official science today says that the Sun is a red–hot ball, and its core, like the Earth, is metallic?!

- Herschel, who encroached on the "sacred", - Bembel comments, - has an iron logic: the prominence can only spew out the solid core of the Sun. This is the law of ballistics, and it is a serious science. Herschel was wrong only about the core of the Sun – his mantle turned out to be solid. And Yarkovsky at the end of the XIX century also found out that the Sun, contrary to today's statements of encyclopedias and most astrophysicists, is not a solid fireball at all. This fact was confirmed only at the beginning of the XXI century by instrumental observations of Americans.

Today, the model of the Sun appears to Bembel like this. Of the radius of 700 thousand km, about half is occupied by a cold plasma core, and the remaining half is a solid mantle. Bembel himself read about the cold core of the Sun in Herschel's interpretation in the early 2000s in Yarkovsky's book. Of course, Bembel immediately had a question: where did the ice, relatively speaking, come from behind the fire-breathing corona of the Sun? This is not even fiction, but phantasmagoria, exclaims the choir of astrophysicists today! Bembel did not immediately find the answer.

It turned out that the "ice", and even in the cores of not only the Sun, but all the planets, is formed according to the law or the Joule-Thomson effect, discovered by these scientists in the middle of the XIX century. But, apparently, very few people know about it today, or they neglect it in the name of the plitnik paradigm. The essence of the negative effect is that all gases are under pressure over 600 at. they are cooled to such an extent that they turn into plasma. In the core of the Sun, the pressure is much stronger - 2 billion at.

The pressure in the Earth's core is 3.5 million at., and the temperature is close to absolute zero. Well, the fact that the Earth's core is not metallic says the research of geophysicists: transverse waves do not pass through magma. However, this long-established fact does not bother the supporters of metal cores of planets. However, these scientists are stubbornly silent about how metals penetrated into the cores of planets and did not melt…

And here's how the positive Joule-Thomson effect manifests itself. Astronomers have long recorded that the "coldest" point, approximately plus 3.5-4 thousand gr., is, oddly enough, right on the surface of the Sun. These are the famous dark spots that Herschel saw. The second point, where about plus 6 thousand gr., is about 100 km higher than the first one. And the third, hottest - depending on the power of the prominence up to 5 million gr. – about 1 thousand km from the Sun.

But here I am reading a conversation of TV MIR 24 for August 2021 with Doctor of Sciences Sergey Bogachev. We are talking about the Solar Orbiter of the European Space Agency, launched to the Sun. Bogachev hopes that the device will help solve one of the main mysteries: "... how the corona of the Sun heats the surrounding gas to temperatures thousands of times higher than itself. This is a kind of violation of the laws of thermodynamics...".

There is another, freshest, for February 14, 2023, NASA information. His website reports that with the help of nuclear spectroscopic telescopes NuSTAR recorded high-energy rays emitted by the corona of the Sun. Researchers hope the new images will help unravel… Well, yes, all the same "one of the main secrets of the Sun", which Bogachev also spoke about!

Question: what, and at the oldest Institute named after him. Lebedev, and NASA is not familiar with the Joule-Thomson effect?

By the way, in mid-June 2020, geophysicists from the Universities of Maryland, Johns Hopkins and Tel Aviv once again confirmed that the Joule-Thomson effect works in the bowels of the Earth. And, then, does not hack in the Sun? Miracles, that's all!

Well, well, let's assume that the cores of the Earth and the Sun are plasma, not iron. And what makes the luminary shoot giant prominences discovered by Herschel?

Here we have reached the main point: this is how the world ether works in the bowels of all planets.

Yarkovsky and Mendeleyev complement Newton

So, last time we got to the key point: how the world ether works in the bowels of all the planets. Of course, not in its original state - in the form of products that react. Yarkovsky's ideas, and even then - in a distorted interpretation, Bembel first learned from the works of an Australian geologist. And later, a like-minded colleague, scientist V.F. Blinov, sent the book “Universal gravitation as a consequence of the formation of weighty matter inside celestial bodies. Kinetic hypothesis". It was written by Ivan Osipovich Yarkovsky, an outstanding Russian scientist. Published in the 80s of the XIX century. his work was silenced: the author put forward very stunning ideas. The books of the outstanding cosmologist in the USSR were considered idealistic, and therefore harmful, and were destroyed even in Leninka.

However, another outstanding physicist, Nobel laureate Peter Kapitsa, said: “Science is something that cannot be. And what can be is technological progress.” Yarkovsky believed that the cosmos was filled with the world's ether. Even the ancient Greeks assumed that the world ether is the primary matter. But Yarkovsky, describing a logical chain of mechanisms and proofs, was the first to show how ether can penetrate into planets and what transformations occur with it. Moreover, he showed on a series of experiments, the results of which had to be either accepted or ignored: this cannot be, because it can never be!

It's about gravity. There is also a long history associated with it, as well as with spots on the Sun. Gravity was first measured again by Galileo using an ordinary meter-long pendulum: how many times it swings in different places over a certain time. In the nineteenth century, people guessed Galileo's device to measure gravity at different points of the Earth. And they were dumbfounded, they could not understand why, for example, on ocean islands, the surface height differs greatly, by more than a kilometer, from the continental one.

Yarkovsky also came up with his own device, similar to spring scales. And for 28 months every day 5-6 times at certain hours I made marks. The device turned out to be very sensitive, allowing the scientist to draw conclusions that astonished colleagues. Gravity, Yarkovsky wrote, should not be constant on Earth, but variable. It depends on the temperature, as well as the daily and annual rotation of the planet. But this applies only to the same area. In different places of the globe, gravity is different, because it depends on two factors: the centrifugal force and the distance of the geographical measuring point from the center of the Earth. That is, from the altitude above sea level.

Newton, saying that he did not recognize hypotheses, nevertheless admitted that his universal gravitation was a consequence of the pressure of the ether, that is, gravity. However, he did not exclude the influence of God. Lomonosov explained gravity by the pressure that generates the stopped movement of the ether. Academician Bredikhin expressed similar ideas at the end of the XIX century.

- But look, - Bembel told me, - popular physics textbooks for universities, for example, Trofimov. It says in black and white that the nature of gravity is unknown.

The fact that the level of the world ocean is below the ideal surface of the globe was established in the 60s as a result of filming from orbit by our astronauts. However, they were forbidden to talk about it for a long time: it contradicts the established paradigm!

Let's say we also recognized gravity. But there is also antigravity – those same prominence pillars spewed by the Sun. And on Earth – volcanoes, earthquakes. Again, this is the work of the smallest particles, which, as a result of reactions, generates ether in the cores of planets. At the same time, the mechanism predicted by academician Atsyukovsky is being created, which is the basis of the ether-geosoliton concept of Bembel, which we will talk about later.

In the meantime, I will return to Yarkovsky. Using an everyday example, he brilliantly showed how the Earth draws in ether like a sponge. The model is also suitable for the Sun, whose density is much less than that of our planet. So, the peasants also laid charcoal between the window frames for the winter. They absorbed moisture, preventing the glasses from fogging up and becoming covered with a kurzhak. That's how the porous Earth absorbs ether, especially since its particles are very small. As soon as one gets into the pores of the Earth, the one following presses on it. Etc. The latter can return to space, but at the same time it is repelled by those who penetrated into the Earth and other planets earlier. "The more tightly packed the atoms in the body are," says Bembel, "the greater its mass, the stronger the atoms attract new ones to themselves."

This is the kinetic model of ether and gravity according to Yarkovsky. According to the calculations of academician V.A. Atsyukovsky, who died in 2022, who continued Yarkovsky's research, the ether enters the Earth at a speed of 2 thousand km per second. It is curious that Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev called almost the same figure. "I believe that in order to understand many phenomena, it is quite enough to recognize for now that the particles and atoms of the lightest element "x", which can move freely everywhere, have a weight close to one millionth of the weight of a hydrogen atom, and move at an average speed not far from 2,250 kilometers per second." The element "x" is ether.

"The chance of coincidence in the calculations made by scientists of such a high class, and even with a gap of a century, is hardly possible," Bembel believes.

Mendeleyev's quote is taken from his article on the ether. After all, the Internet is a great miracle. When 12 years ago I was working on my book "The Earth and the Universe. The Laws of Harmony", then, knowing Mendeleyev's idea about the deep origin of oil, he bothered the world Wide Web with the theme "Mendeleyev and the Ether": what if? And I received his article, called academically neatly: "An attempt to understand the chemical world ether." The article was written in 1902, just when Yarkovsky died, about whose works Mendeleyev did not seem to know. He decided to publish his article only in 1905, stipulating that "he had been thinking for 30 years... and he would have been silent, but I no longer have years ahead of me..." And it's true, Dmitry Ivanovich, having fallen ill, died suddenly in 1907.

I will quote one passage from Mendeleyev's article: "The problem of gravity and the problems of the entire energy industry cannot be really solved without a real understanding of the ether as a global medium that transmits energy over distances. A real understanding of ether cannot be achieved by ignoring its chemistry and not considering it an elementary substance."

"I was both shocked and inspired by this Mendeleyev quote," Bembel comments. - In fact, this idea is one hundred percent consistent with the idea of Nikola Tesla. He was also engaged in ether, and in everything he did, he tried to use the energy of ether transmitted over infinitely long distances. Tesla is in the same company with Yarkovsky and Mendeleyev. Mendeleyev's paper and Einstein's special theory of relativity are published simultaneously. It's very symbolic. After all, what Mendeleyev writes about the relationship between ether and a chemical substance is a unique idea! Today, only two scientists continue to develop Mendeleyev's ideas: Vladimir Atsyukovsky and Vitaly Blinov. Maybe there are like-minded people in other countries, but I don't know them.

It is impossible to bypass such a story. The real "Periodic system of Chemical Elements of D.I. Mendeleyev" was published for the only time during the author's lifetime in the textbook "Fundamentals of Chemistry" in 1906. It was opened by the zero group of inert gases, where in the first place was newtonium, that is, ether, so named, according to the author, "in honor of the immortal Newton." Einstein's new paradigm of relativism demanded the rejection of the idea of the world ether. The zero group was moved to the very end of the Table, and the ether disappeared altogether. And only 96 years later, the original Periodic Table rose from the ashes of oblivion thanks to the publication of the journal of the Russian Chemical Society.

- Mendeleyev expressed the very essence, - continued Bembel: - how chemicals are formed! I finally saw his true "Periodic Table" and it shocked me! Its meaning is completely different from the one that was presented in schools and universities after 1906. Mendeleyev wanted to understand what is the meaning of periodicity, where does it come from? The essence, it turns out, is not only in electronic shells, as they are now suggesting. Mendeleyev laid in the table, if you want, an algorithm for complicating the structure of the atomic organization of matter as a result of the transition from ether to other chemical elements. I now understand why Mendeleyev placed ether at the beginning of the table.

- Does the table make no sense without ether?

- Of course! Mendeleyev's ether is the most important element! And it was thrown out ... Further: ether belongs to the group of inert gases. That is, there is an intermediate link between ether and oxygen. Mendeleyev's logic is iron! Inert gases are still being released, however, hidden in the eighth column! But such a maneuver destroyed Mendeleyev's logic! And in my eyes, she raises Mendeleyev to the top of world science. But in its development, we have at least lost a century, because the Table was falsified by cutting off the ether. And the knife, the battering ram was the theory of relativity. And the brilliant people who have always been in Russia could not object to Einstein. Every shelupon shut their mouths, considering ether to be heresy. We'll have to catch up.

The sooner humanity realizes that the foundation of nature is ether, the better it will be for it, it will be able to avoid big troubles, Bembel believes: "There is such a theory of stable systems," Robert explained to me. - It also includes atoms of chemical elements, the stability of which depends on certain parameters. Why do we claim that ether is the basis of all elements? Yes, because he is the smallest. It seems that one economist said that the most brilliant thing in nature is not in the big, but in the small. The most stable is the proton, the elementary particle on which everything is built together with the electron. This inseparable pair sits in the nuclei of all atoms."

- The main elements for human life are hydrogen (actually proton), oxygen, nitrogen and carbon. That's it!" continued Bembel. - There is also phosphorus and sulfur, but they no longer play such a big role. Why do living organisms rely not on uranium, but on these four elements? Therefore, they are the most reliable, stable! Somewhere after the 56th element, a plume of radioactive elements appears, which fall apart before our eyes. It was only under the influence of Mendeleyev that I realized the meaninglessness of elements with an atomic weight of more than a hundred. Radioactive elements live for thousandths of a second, and proton and helium live for millions of years! Compare it! This contrast must be understood. Their roles are completely different! For some reason, chemists do not have such an understanding. They are not really needed in this world, they play a ten-step value. Unreliability is death, and reliability is life! I tell students all the time that I never tire of admiring the wisdom of the creator or whoever else, according to whose will our life is arranged this way and not otherwise. Everything is deeply thought out and organized! It remains only for us to understand this and use it wisely. But the mind is not very enough yet…

And then Bembel turns to the question of why the ether has such a gigantic energy. And he repeats: everything is brilliant in small things. It's all about the famous kinetic energy formula: E= mc2. The force is proportional to the flying mass and the square (!) of the velocity. In any road accidents, the consequences depend more on the speed of cars or trains than on their mass. But the trick is that only very small elements can accelerate at high speed in the universe. And now the atom of ether, or rather amer, the smallest and lightest elementary particle in the universe, is capable of accelerating at enormous speeds: This circumstance alone, removing Einstein's taboo that nothing exceeds the speed of light, casts doubt on his theory of relativity! A photon is too gigantic a wave running through the ether. That's why it has a low average speed, only about 300 thousand kilometers per second. And we dive into the microcosm where the Amers are located. Atsyukovsky described the only proton formation model in the world in which the incredibly high speed of amers is trillions of trillions of times the speed of light! But if so, in order to get energy, this speed must also be squared! Then we will get 1038 degrees already! Let me remind you that the speed of light is 108 degrees kilometers per second, and here is 1038 degrees! Can you imagine?

- No, I can't!

- And no one can! Nevertheless, amer is a real particle of ether, on which the whole world stands! The Amers are the carriers of the very dark energy of the universe, about which everyone is racking their heads. And its carrier is ether. Without ether, it is impossible to understand either the energy or chemical structure of the Universe, and hence the material world. Mendeleyev was a chemist, and he realized that the ether is the very Arche, the first principle, the first substance or the first element, the main problem of the entire philosophy of the ancient Greeks. Lomonosov also said: the beginning was eternal, everything else comes from it. And the beginning itself does not begin, it has always been!

Having comprehended the ideas of his brilliant predecessors, Bembel, taking into account the facts he obtained, offers his ether-geosoliton concept (EGC). Now about her and the mechanisms of Tethys excitation.

Having built the most powerful telescope at that time, Galileo was not only the first to observe stars that were invisible before him. The main thing is also that by bringing astronomy and physics closer together, he pulled science to a fundamentally new level. And high-resolution volumetric seismics (HOS), which Robert Bembel has been creating since the 70s, is also a kind of "telescope" that allowed you to look tens of kilometers deep into the Earth and see not only new hydrocarbon deposits. The main thing is that the scientist saw geosoliton tubes for the first time in the world, which opened a new era of knowledge of processes and phenomena not only in the Earth, but also in all planets of the Solar System.

Geosolitons are the perpetual motion machines of the Universe

There are at least two types of scientists. Some, like Wegener already known to the reader, the author of the notorious “theory of the motion of the continents”, sitting at the table and inventing something, palm off on humanity the products of their fantasies, not supported by any facts. Another inventor from the same galaxy is the mathematician Fourier. It dawned on him in 1827 that there is a certain “ceiling” above the Earth that does not let any bad gases into space - products of human activity. They, they say, give rise to the "greenhouse effect". Here, poor humanity is toiling with this stupidity, not suspecting that it has been literally sucked out of the finger.

Scientists of the opposite type, observing certain phenomena and facts of nature, ask themselves questions: why and how did this happen? And then they look for answers for a long time - also, however, puzzling both colleagues and humanity with discoveries that remain unrecognized for years, or even centuries. One of these scientists is Academician Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky. To this day, many of his works come from four hundred empirical generalizations, that is, from natural phenomena. One example. Considering the age of the Earth 2-3 billion years as childish, Vernadsky wrote: “... our planet in its geological structure is revealed in eons of years, thousands of billions (maybe more), during which the process occurs invariably as a geological phenomenon, scientifically and precisely established and perfectly normal, like all phenomena. The transformation of one chemical element into another, stretched over eons of years… is not catastrophic… This process dramatically changes the entire geochemistry and thermal regime of the planet, that is, the entire geophysics”

Not surprisingly, not all of Vernadsky's works have been published so far - they cast doubt on established paradigms.

Still not knowing about the empirical generalizations of Vernadsky, Robert Bembel, being a student of the Faculty of Geophysics of the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute, ended up on undergraduate practice in the north of the Tyumen region, in Surgut. Flying in a helicopter over the lakes, of which there are a great many, the student noticed that they are all almost perfectly round and multi-colored: brown, blue, crimson, emerald green ... The picture stuck in the brain: why? The answer came much later. Circular shape? So after all, each lake sits on a geosoliton tube (GT)! And where the tube is, there is also a gravitational minimum, under the influence of which the surrounding waters flow into the newly appeared lake. The diversity of colors is caused by different chemical elements and salts of the young rocks of Western Siberia - the old rocks are almost all of the same color.

Having received a diploma in 1959, Bembel asked again to go to Western Siberia. The guy was lucky: he was appointed as a technician-operator of an experimental batch at the group of the Moscow Research Institute of Geophysics. The powerful Berezovsky gas fountain of 1953 advised the authorities to give the group the task of looking for thin, up to a meter thick, layers, where, supposedly, elusive reserves are hidden. Geophysicists suffered a complete fiasco, because the authorities were mistaken. However, close communication with Muscovites gave the idea: to search for small geological objects, it is necessary to increase the frequency of the seismic signal. This was the first step towards the creation of OOS technology.

Bembel managed to take the second step only in the 70s, and even in Bulgaria. He managed to work as the head of the seismic team and brought him to the first place in the region. Then Bembel was given a seismic team, and a few years later he was accepted into ZapSibNIGNI, a leader in Western Siberia. Based on the materials of field research, Bembel brilliantly defends his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences in front of several academicians at the Computing Center of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences. Publishes a dozen scientific articles, is taken for a monograph with an eye on a doctoral thesis.

But then Moscow sends him on a long business trip to Bulgaria as an adviser to the Minister of Natural Resources. Instead of a year in this role, Bembel will work for 5 years. Using all the possibilities before Moscow, his departure was slowed down by his Bulgarian friends. The reason was more than serious. Having mastered French, Bembel found an article by Bishop (still remembers the name!) about 3D seismic in Sophia's library. He managed to work with 2D technology at home, but it gave a flat two-dimensional image of the bowels, while the French one gave a holographic three-dimensional image. This was the prototype of the future WOS, which still had to be improved. But, nevertheless, by increasing the frequency of the seismic signal, the Bembel group managed to discover an oil field. Although small, the Bulgarians were happy with him too - their own!

Returning to Tyumen in 1980, Bembel received a sector in the local branch of the Moscow All-Russian Research Institute of Geophysics and began to improve the VOS. However, the director of the research institute, an adherent of a different technology, which he presented almost as the discovery of the century, and most importantly, being a friend of the first secretary of the regional committee of the CPSU, for the time being endured a competitor, gritting his teeth. But when, at the meeting, Bembel, as they say, proved on his fingers that the director's methodology was nothing more than a hack, he was not only deprived of the sector, but also fired. Moreover, Bembel was not the first dissident with such an ending. Then he turned to the bureau of one of the central newspapers where I worked then.

Although the director of the research institute was fired after the intervention of the ministerial commission, however, Bembel found work only in the Arctic.

Approximately through such stumps, scientific and technological progress made its way into the USSR. And now it's no better.

In the early 90s, a quiet revolution began, the party leader in the region changed, and Bembel, returning to Tyumen, 3 years later published the world's first monograph "High-Resolution Volumetric Seismic Survey", the basis of his doctoral thesis. Bembel's "telescope" saw "prominences" in the bowels of the earth - geosoliton tubes through which the energy and matter of the planet's core break out to the surface. Moreover, the main facts were obtained in the second half of the 80s, even before the scientist was sent to the polar exile.

The picture is like this. At the Priobskoye oil field, a large area with a dense grid of reflection points 50 by 50 meters was worked out using the VOS technology. Computer processing allocated 2000 GT. The diameter of 1250 of them near the surface turned out to be in the range of 50-100 meters, and only a few reached a kilometer. And the area of all tubes was only 9% of the site. This was the answer to the question why out of 10 exploration wells, only one ran into oil, and 9 remained dry. Later, while consulting exploratory drilling at the Khantymansiyskgeofizika association, using the VOS technology, Bembel made each well enter the top ten! In exploratory drilling alone, VOS reduced the cost of each well by almost 10 times, which means millions of rubles in savings. Oilmen use 3D, but without high resolution seismic signals. This means that blind technology does not see small GTs. However, geologists do not recognize their existence, hunting for oil seas in the old fashioned way. They are unaware that these seas are nothing but the tails of the main volumes of raw materials in the GT: from there, oil under pressure from the Earth's core seeps into permeable layers. Meanwhile, the Mir and Udachnaya kimberlite pipes in Yakutia, which are visible from space, have been producing about 99% of the country's diamonds for 65 years. But geologists apparently believe that these diamonds fell from the moon.

At the beginning of the 2000s, another HT effect was discovered by a group of high-class geochemists of the Academy of Sciences from Chernogolovka, led by Professor I. F. Myasnikov. All on the same Priobskaya square, they did with their instruments what no one else in the world had done before: they investigated the gases coming from the geosoliton tube, which was detected by the VOS. They took samples inside and outside the GT. It turned out that the content of hydrogen and helium in the center of the GT and outside it differs by 50-60 times!

“As my German friends say, das ist fantasnish!” Bembel told me. - The sensation is that hydrogen and helium come in an embrace from the very center of the Earth. There is a little more methane - by 7-8 percent. When I spoke about these studies at the next international conference on the degassing of the Earth, I caused considerable surprise among my colleagues.

In 1987, Academician Kropotkin analyzed the results of the WTP for the Priobskaya area and highly appreciated such a high-precision interpretation of the survey.

Let us briefly return to the origins of EGC. The soliton was first noticed and described in 1834 by John Russell, a professor at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. It was a large mound of water in front of the bow of the barge, which was pulled by horses like barge haulers. The barge stopped, but the hill, without losing speed, continued to roll along the canal.

It is noteworthy that Russell did not publish his Wave Report until 10 years later. The fact is that the behavior of water was knocked out of all the then known laws of physics. And the professor was afraid of the attacks of his colleagues. And so it happened anyway. Russell died an outcast and a beggar.

But in 1958, the Soviet physicist Roald Sagdeev showed the existence of "solitary waves" in plasma. And in 1963, the American physicists Kruskal and Zabuski discovered such waves both in air and in solid matter. They realized that this is not a wave or a particle, but some third state that has the properties of both a wave and a particle. For example, electron.

Well, the geosoliton is the discovery of Bembel: Geo is the Earth among the ancient Greeks. What is this thing? Here is how Bembel explains.

Self-organization of matter, which at first is in chaos, goes only through a whirlwind. Descartes spoke about this. And swirling into a vortex, the substance acquires other qualities, turning into geosolitons. For the reader who has not completely forgotten physics, I will give special details.

The most inveterate rebel in the cores of planets is still the same proton that Bembel has already spoken about. The merit of Academician Atsyukovsky is that, 120 years after Yarkovsky, he proposed his own model of proton formation in experiments, showing that although the density of the ether at ordinary pressure and temperature is 11 orders of magnitude less than air, its energy content and pressure are fantastically huge.

Any gas, including ether, in the core of the Earth moves only in the torus model, roughly speaking, in the steering wheel. Vortexes of ether rotate inside it, moreover, at different speeds and in different directions. These toroids are protons, the leaders of all particles.

Yarkovsky's idea, Bembel recalls, is that the ether compressed into a toroid is the transition into a weighty substance. This subtlest matter contains all the energy of the Universe! And I, continuing Yarkovsky, think: in the core of the Earth, a weighty substance, twisting into a toroid, forms protons.

Bembel puts the neutron in second place. By itself, he lives for a few seconds, but inside the cores of the Earth and planets - for a long time.

In third place is Bembel's alpha particle. “A unique thing,” he says. - Imagine four balloons, which, pressing against each other, deform the round sides in the plane. Due to this, in terms of stability, the alpha particle in the Universe is in second place.”

- The nucleus of helium-4 was named according to the number of nucleons - this is how they agreed to name the proton-neutron pair, - continues Bembel. - Nucleons - large whirlwinds - spin terribly, provoking small whirlwinds around them. This is the electrons. When there are a lot of them near the proton, hydrogen is obtained. When electrons begin to spin near the alpha particle, a helium atom is obtained.

The whole company is born from the ether. No single particle - an electron - exists in nature. He is always with someone: with a proton or a neutron. And in textbooks they talk about how the electron is an independent particle, and, as in a famous film, they take social obligations to open another one in the current quarter. At the same time, our paradoxical physicists bypass the ether very elegantly. All elementary particles emerge from the vacuum, and then disappear into it again. But what is a vacuum? It's like a void, after all! It is inconvenient for professors and academicians to talk about emptiness. So they fastened a word to the vacuum: physical! And everywhere I write about the notorious physical vacuum: yes, this is ether, ether!

- Once again I will bow to Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky! - Bembel exclaims. - This is his discovery in 1912 - the degassing of all planets.

The first natural-philosophical statements about the growth and respiration of the Earth, as a kind of living organism, are in Leonardo da Vinci. The hypothesis was developed in detail by Vernadsky with his three-phase model. Inhalation is an active reception of external matter and ether energy; pause: assimilation and processing of matter and energy; exhalation - return to space of processed matter and ether.

In the last quarter of the XX century. Vernadsky's model was developed by Academician Kropotkin and other geologists who proved the hydrogen degassing of the lower geospheres. But the majority of physicists and geologists of the world did not notice this discovery. We are talking, in particular, about the book by Vernadsky "The chemical structure of the biosphere of the Earth and its environment." The breathing of the Earth in our time was confirmed with the help of space telescopes operating in a wide range: not only optical, but radio waves, X-rays and others. It turned out that interstellar space, in addition to organic matter, is often filled with oxygen and nitrogen. And in the earth's atmosphere they prevail, being formed due to the activity of the biosphere. That is, living organisms. Their share in the creation of chemical elements, according to academician A.P. Lisitsin, is up to 50% of the total mass of sediments in the World Ocean. This means that degassing is also taking place in galaxies and interstellar space, similar to the breathing of the Earth. Stars shine brighter when they expel hydrogen and helium, and dim when degassed by increased amounts of nitrogen, oxygen and methane in cosmosolitons.

In a word, vortices twisted into a steering wheel through microscopically thin channels - up to 1 nanometer - rush to the surface of the Earth with great speed and energy. They expand geosoliton tubes, whose diameter in the lower part of the earth's crust is no more than 1 meter, up to hundreds of meters and even 1 km at the Earth's surface. And along the way, entering into a variety of reactions, they form - constantly! - not only hydrocarbons, but iron ores, gold, diamonds, uranium and other minerals.

Geosolitons started this February more powerful and more often than usual because, as mentioned, several events converged in the Universe at once, including the rarest ones. All of them are intensively pumping - according to the models of Yarkovsky, Vernadsky, Atsyukovsky and Tesla - the core of the Earth with new and new portions of the world ether. Its energy pushes prominences-geosolitons out of the nucleus.

However, at the border of Gutenberg, which separates the outer core and mantle of the Earth, at a depth of 2900 km, geosolitons, bumping into solid rocks, freeze, forming the so-called plumes - protrusions on the surface of the Earth's core. Their height reaches 10 km. Cold gas plasma from the inner core of the Earth is powerfully ejected into the plumes, and it, in turn, is squeezed out by more and more portions of ether amers, pumped by known events in the Universe. And the longer the plumes, like giant plugs, block the movement of gases along the GT, the more powerful the effect of a compressed spring, potential energy. To imagine the power of such a "bomb", it is enough to say that in ordinary gas turbines, where there is no plume, pressure drops reach 1 million at., which sharply, up to 100 million degrees, increases the temperature of the gases. But geophysicists, according to Bembel, for some reason follow only kinetic processes. Finally, the geosoliton overcomes the barrier, and plumes, like fiery feathers, break through the earth's surface with terrible force with earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis and other cataclysms.

- I have a very good gravity map of the world, donated by British Petroleum, Bembel says. - With its help, I analyzed the places where the most powerful plumes, antiplumes and various anomalies came out. Antiplumes on the map coincided with the deepest oceanic depressions, for example, the Mariinsky. And plumes - with high oceanic ridges, volcanic arcs, and so on. Amazing mechanisms work. Where we see active rift zones, it means that geosolitons have thrown out huge energy of the Earth's core there. Antiplumes, on the contrary, absorb this energy. And here's what happens. The energy of the planet is always ejected through earthquakes, and their jet force precipitates a plume. In other words, the system of earthquakes on Earth is a kind of its security system.

- Wow, - I quipped, - and how much trouble it brings to people!

“I agree”, - said Robert. “But without such a mechanism, it could have been much worse. Imagine that all the energy of the plumes will break out to the surface. There is not enough imagination to draw such a catastrophe. It is possible that the intense volcanic eruption, as some scientists believe, destroyed not only the dinosaurs, but also the ancient civilizations of the Earth. After all, any volcano is a breakthrough to the surface of a hydrogen mass, consider a small piece of the Sun. Here the death of Pompeii fades.

Finally, the ether-geosoliton concept allows us to slightly open the door to another mystery: after all, it is still unknown what makes the Earth, the Sun and other planets rotate around their axes? Bembel and his associates believe that it is the reactive force of geo- and cosmosolitons, the perpetual motion machines of the Universe, that turns them.

This is how intricate the answer to the question of what and how shakes the whole of Tethys turned out to be. From the stopped core of the Earth it was necessary to soar into the Universe. Several more extraordinary natural phenomena that hit the Sun converged there. The luminary, in its turn, became unbelievably excited and attacked the Earth with powerful waves of the world ether. And its products from the earth's core brought plumes all over Tethys out of hibernation. He shakes...

How difficult it all is! Much easier if the stove ran over the stove! But here's a question to fill in: why do scientists for the most part get hooked and cling to such fairy tales with a stranglehold? Let's think about it in the end.

"Marginal" Bembel and others

Professor Bembel tells his students an ancient Indian parable. The blind wise men approached the elephant. The first, feeling the tusk, said: the elephant is a dead stone. The second, grabbing the tail, concluded: the elephant is a rope. The third, clasping his leg, came to the conclusion that the elephant is a mighty tree.

Blind wise men will never be able to understand that there is an elephant in front of them.

Integral objects in the Universe are similar to an elephant from an ancient Indian parable. But modern scientists, dealing with individual aspects of these objects, most often resemble blind sages. Alas, this stage in science is objective.

Until the Middle Ages, scientists - the same Leonardo da Vinci - tried themselves in different fields of knowledge, but the results were far from always impressive. It is impossible to know everything about everything. And when this truth reached the scientists, they began to specialize in narrow areas of research. Figuratively speaking, gradually they learned everything about nothing. But here lies the danger of becoming like the blind men from the Indian parable.

Then comes the turn of a new stage in the evolution of knowledge: the integration of its narrow areas. And when it reaches a certain level - different in many objects of research - there is a scientific and technological revolution similar to the one that happened in the world in the 60s of the last century.

Of course, this is just a general outline. However, without it it is difficult to understand why in our time there is discord in the views on the structure of the Universe. The fact is that, according to various estimates, the specialization of knowledge in this area does not exceed 15 percent. That is, there are a lot of “blind wise men” here, and they will prevail for a long time to come. And geniuses are such because they are ahead of their colleagues, integrating, like the same Vernadsky, their own and the facts and hypotheses obtained by “narrow” predecessors, they have a systematic approach and see the “elephant” as a whole. In the same row - I.O. Yarkovsky, Academicians V.A. Obruchev, P.N. Lebedev. Their work, according to Bembel, was ahead of its time by more than a hundred years! The systemic method of Vernadsky, for example, includes a holistic natural science: these are the laws of cosmology, geology, physics, chemistry and biology. To create and understand the correct model, you need to go to the maximum number of levels of the universe. Mendeleyev also built his research according to the same methodology. But geniuses can be counted on the fingers.

In any case, empirical generalizations are doomed to wait for the time when the scientific community gets out, relatively speaking, from the stages of “everything about nothing” and matures to the ability to comprehend, and then long and hard to recognize the systemic insights of geniuses.

The ether-geosoliton concept of the Earth (EGK), standing on the shoulders of the titans of science, extends to the properties of the Universe and vice versa, since nature is fractal. It remains to be hoped that EGC will not have to wait 300 years, as was the case with the discovery of Copernicus, but its recognition will most likely, alas, not tomorrow at all.

In a word, speaking of science in general, one can find seemingly objective reasons for the rejection of systemic discoveries. The main one, according to the prominent physiologist Academician V.V. Parin lies in the accelerated pace of the development of science itself. In its entire history, perhaps, there has never been such a turbulent time as the 20th century. Ideas about the microcosm and the macrocosm - habitual, "has been inhabited since childhood", are collapsing, he wrote. And you do not have time to mentally “create the Universe anew”, as it, “new”, turns out to be “subject to demolition”.

And if we take, continued Academician Parin, any field of knowledge, it turns out that from within the events look even more stormy. When ideas, concepts, theories that have guided you all your creative life collapse, their change is no longer perceived as some kind of harmless game of a child, either breaking or re-creating houses from cubes. In science, the struggle of opinions is acute. Here, the rejection of views that have developed over many years of work (or memorization of other people's conclusions - this also happens) is sometimes extremely difficult. After all, this is a rejection of "alter ego" - "second self". Only a persistently cultivated ability to penetrate with a sober look into what at first seems to you contrary to nature, allows a real scientist, having realized the dialectic of events, to hold on to the positions of science, without sliding into dogmatism. This is accompanied by painful reflections, disappointments and requires courageous determination from the scientist, Parin believes.

There is another reason, in my opinion, partly objective. It was in the twentieth century, when scientific research grew like an avalanche, that this activity acquired corporate features. Yes, breakthrough ideas still gave birth to individual brilliant heads. But to test these ideas experimentally, to bring them to their logical conclusion, to a paradigm, and to develop and refine them - all this became more and more difficult. And so a new category of people was in demand: not so much scientists as scientific workers. That is, people around science, with it. And this army, absorbing the ideas of its scientific leaders, was gradually shackled by group thinking.

The paradigm, notes the prominent science expert T. Kuhn in his classic work “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions”, that is, the system of views, attitudes, and research methods - all this became a familiar, familiar home, where every nook and cranny was familiar. And a new idea or God forbid - a paradigm, a concept, albeit very promising and experimentally supported, had a major drawback: to overthrow the old, worn and familiar, like a favorite scarf, from the pedestal. Moreover, she, a new idea, pushed for risk. For the vast majority of scientists, and even scientists, this state is very uncomfortable, not only morally and mentally, but also materially. Doctoral degrees, corresponding member and academician status of the Russian Academy of Sciences, supported by solid salaries and bonuses, make you look back three times before defending a new paradigm, even if it seems to you that there is “something” in it. Nothing can be done, a person is an abyss of weakness, one thinker noted.

This collision in science was foreseen by the great Galileo: "... Those who think well and understand complex issues are much less than those who think badly." And here is how curiously developed this thesis. If thinking could be likened to carrying heavy loads, where several horses carry more grain than one, then I would have to agree, he writes, that several thinkers can achieve more than one. But Galileo compares thinking with running, and not with carrying weights. And here one Arabian horse will be far ahead of a hundred pack horses.

To our misfortune, it was in the science of the twentieth century that more “loaders” appeared, and they largely determine the “weather”, putting forward an impenetrable argument that sounds something like this: it is customary in the scientific community to believe ... So convince this community that is everywhere and nowhere! It's like fighting windmills. Quite seriously, quite prominent scientists criticized their colleagues for departing from classical methods and concepts, as if all the laws of nature and the mysteries of the human body had already been discovered, and we only had to “clean up” something behind the classics. At the same time, the aphorism of Dietzgen Sr. was forgotten: "Truth, brought to the point of absurdity, is a lie".

Here it is important to note one more point. Neither Robert Bembel, nor Vladimir Atsyukovsky, some of whose ideas Robert develops, and even more so Ivan Yarkovsky or Dmitry Mendeleyev - none of them claimed that they had discovered the ultimate truth. On the contrary, by offering his hypotheses, Bembel, for example, discovered new questions for which he had no answers.

Moreover, the absolute majority of colleagues do not take the EGC, which is based on etherodynamics, in the spirit. On the Internet, you often read such reviews on the hypotheses of both Bembel and Atsyukovsky: outcasts, pseudoscience, and so on. One can, of course, get off with a playful remark by the famous nineteenth-century historian More, who wrote: “Old geologists were said to be in the position of ancient Roman augurs, who could not meet without laughter.” However, if at almost every step you encounter aggressive intolerance, there is no time for jokes.

Although Newton, not understanding the material reasons for the operation of his own law of universal gravitation, loudly declared that he did not put forward hypotheses, however, as already mentioned, he did not disdain the hypothesis of etherodynamics in private. In general, the attitude to various hypotheses as a tool of scientific research in the old days was respectful, if not reverent. Mendeleev believed that initially it is better to have a fuzzy and even erroneous hypothesis than not to have any. One can cite many such statements of the great explorers of the past centuries. In other words, a negative result in science is also a result, and a very important one.

Why did researchers prioritize the role of hypotheses? Yes, because they made it possible to outline new directions of research, and not to wander in the dark. Of course, the scientist had to have a strong character, to have tremendous patience and objectivity in assessing the results of his own research, not to suffer from megalomania or infallibility. And if the facts clearly contradicted the original hypothesis, it was necessary to correct it in time, or even abandon it altogether.

But maybe individual researchers are breaking into an open door? Suffer from indefatigable fantasies? Maybe everything is really open already, the laws of nature are known “to the bottom, to the core” and no hypotheses are needed?

Since the beginning of the XXI century. For example, the so-called "theory of everything" began to claim the role of a universal integrator of knowledge about the Universe and the structure of matter. The new "queen" of sciences was proposed in 2007 by the American physicist Anthony Harriet Lisi. The point is to combine all known fundamental interactions with the help of a physical and mathematical model. At first, the term was used ironically, but over time it stuck. Especially - in quantum physics, where this name is understood as a unified field theory. Some scholars have recognized it as elegant, but in need of improvement.

After creating his general theory of relativity, the idea of building a unified field theory was expressed by Albert Einstein. And he not only expressed it: he devoted the rest of his life to this goal. However, nothing good came of it, as, indeed, of other scientists.

Atsyukovsky wrote that the physics of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries tried to understand the inner essence of phenomena and the behavior of interacting elements. But the physics of the twentieth century declared its goal to consistently describe phenomena with the help of an increasingly complex mathematical apparatus. An excellent example of this approach was the “theory of everything”. “Even if this problem is solved, what will it give to applied workers?” asks Atsyukovsky.

First, he believes, physics has preferred to the external description of phenomena and processes the search for their inner essence, as well as the mechanisms that link these phenomena and processes into a single whole. Such an approach gives rise to difficulties and inconsistencies, which modern theorists fasten with white threads into a patchwork quilt of a false physical picture of the world.

Secondly, ideas about the nature and essence of phenomena, about their internal mechanisms, have disappeared. Only formal relations are left, described by equations claiming to be universal. And the theories of relativity and quantum mechanics have acquired the status of absolute truth. New theories are checked for compliance with them, and if they do not fit with this "truth" - marriage!

However, reminds Atsyukovsky, every physical phenomenon has many aspects and properties. So for a complete mathematical picture of even a simple phenomenon, many equations are required. What can we say about the complex?! None of the ones we're dealing with - not even Newton's laws! - do not describe physical phenomena in any complete way. This means that the refinement of fundamental laws and their mathematical description should become a routine, and the halo of infallibility and universality that shines over several formulas and "theories" should be removed as quickly as possible.

  Thirdly, only postulates remained from true physics, under which natural phenomena are then adjusted. That which fits into these postulates is accepted, and that which does not fit into these phenomena is “chopped off” by the legs, and even the head.

Fourth, knowledge of the structure of micro-objects is completely ignored. They are made of... nothing, they don't even have dimensions! All their properties: charges, magnetic moments, spins, and so on - all this, it turns out, came from nowhere. Their whole structure is probabilistic, because it is so convenient for modern physicists.

- Better than Atsyukovsky, you can hardly say, - says Bembel. - What these young people are doing was once accurately diagnosed by Vernadsky. Arguing with Einstein about his idea of the curvature of space and time, Vernadsky called it a mathematically expressed fantasy. Vernadsky called himself a naturalist, which is much broader than a physicist or biologist. Vernadsky argued that mathematical fantasies have nothing to do with the real world. He offers his concept of the space-time model. He said that time goes differently for unicellular and multicellular organisms. Evolution itself ordered it that way. Only unicellular organisms live indefinitely, while multicellular organisms, which include humans, are mortal. The meaning of evolution lies in the fact that there is a change of generations. New ideas should be learned by our children and grandchildren. When I read these lines of Vernadsky, I immediately remembered Max Planck and other great scientists. They didn't waste time on single-celled ones. And I go to the boys who are three generations younger than me, and pour my ideas into them. They perceive them organically, as they should be. Mathematicians have nothing of the sort. Instead of studying the real world, such upstarts are engaged in tightrope walking with abstract models.

Here I distance myself from my heroes in order to make a fundamental clarification. Do not think that even in the heat of controversy they send mathematics to the dusty closet of history. They only overthrow her from the throne of the queen of sciences and, only, follow Laplace here, who rightfully has the glory of a great mathematician. Laplace, never betraying his "mistress", nevertheless, always preferred the content, and considered mathematics only as a tool designed to achieve the goal. He did not look for objects in nature for mathematical analysis, but looked for mathematical methods to analyze the known phenomena of the natural world, "to merge practice and theory."

The famous physicist Robert Oppenheimer admitted: “It is very difficult for me to understand what exactly modern mathematicians are doing and why they are doing it. When I tried to form a general idea, I invariably failed. Oppenheimer had reason to write that way. The fact is that in any of the fundamental sciences, facts accumulate at a rate that exceeds the possibility of their understanding and explanation. So it is worth thinking once again whether it is necessary to fall into complete mysticism, completely indulging in the game of numbers, while completely forgetting the existence of matter as the root cause of the creation of the world?

Finally, the main thing is still unclear: from what building material all formations arose - from an electron to an atom. It is curious that the authors of the "theory of everything" and its supporters, based on the work of Maxwell, somehow forgot his own statement: "Science is not able to talk about the creation of matter itself from nothing." But here and there you read about the mysterious "dark matter" that fills the world space. And the scientists I am writing about put forward a hypothesis that, perhaps, this dark matter is the ether. And here, without delving into the arguments and facts, the army of tilers awarded them with the stigma of outcasts and pseudoscientists.

It is not a royal business for a journalist to act as an arbiter or judge in a field where physicists themselves wander, as in a dark forest. Yes, I will not hide it, I like what Bembel is doing with his team, and I really want his concept to be confirmed. But I stand for something quite different: the right of scientists to hypothesize. Especially if this hypothesis is not just a flight of fancy. After all, behind it are logic, and experiments, and the theoretical justification of the forerunners of the titans. Here is how Ivan Osipovich Yarkovsky formulates the requirements for the hypothesis. "1. To be based on well-established facts. 2. That it be consistent with those phenomena of nature that are known to us and not contradict any of them. 3. So that it makes it possible to verify by experience.

By the way, the word "marginal" today has lost its negative part of the meaning. It denotes someone who is not in the center, but simply on the edge. Football players or hockey players are well aware that breakthroughs to the opponent's goal should not be expected from the centers, but from the extreme forwards. So it is in science. Let me also remind you that the forgotten word “marginalia” is notes on the edge of a book page. And in these notes, by the way, brilliant insights come across.

... In the meantime, every day, we read reports of new earthquakes throughout Tethys. There are forecasts that the elements may rage for several years. Well, let's wait and see.

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