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Сентябрь 2023
Survive on a scholarship. What can a Russian student afford
The Ministry of Education and Science reports: over the past 5 years, the minimum amount of the scholarship has increased by an average of 23%. But the official inflation during this time was 32,36%, and the increase was a ridiculous 341 rubles. In the new academic season, the minimum academic scholarship will be 1825 rubles. How to live on them?
Август 2023
New mortgage rates: is it worth taking out housing loans at all?
Mortgages are getting more expensive: Sberbank has announced an increase in rates by 0.8 percentage points. Now the minimum rate for new buildings starts at 11,4%, and for secondary construction — from 11,7%. We consider overpayments and figure out whether it is more profitable to choose a rental home.
Июль 2023
Июнь 2023
Once in a hundred years they shoot at their own people. What the history of military uprisings in Russia teaches us
The fighters of the Wagner PMCs of Yevgeny Prigozhin reached Rostov-on-Don and Voronezh, staged battles with the regular army of Russia. The dollar and euro exchange rates are growing by leaps and bounds. Those who wanted to sit on the sidelines can no longer hope for it. What should we expect in general, based on the history of rebellions and coups?
Январь 2023
Results of 2022: the most high-profile arrests of the year and the new "fashionable" crimes
The Federation Council supported the initiative to toughen the punishment for sabotage up to life. How else? After all, Vladimir Putin recently set the task of seriously strengthening the work of security agencies in key areas: identifying traitors, spies and saboteurs. But in 2022, they have already worked ahead of the curve.