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Сентябрь 2023
Survive on a scholarship. What can a Russian student afford
The Ministry of Education and Science reports: over the past 5 years, the minimum amount of the scholarship has increased by an average of 23%. But the official inflation during this time was 32,36%, and the increase was a ridiculous 341 rubles. In the new academic season, the minimum academic scholarship will be 1825 rubles. How to live on them?
Август 2023
New mortgage rates: is it worth taking out housing loans at all?
Mortgages are getting more expensive: Sberbank has announced an increase in rates by 0.8 percentage points. Now the minimum rate for new buildings starts at 11,4%, and for secondary construction — from 11,7%. We consider overpayments and figure out whether it is more profitable to choose a rental home.
Июль 2023
Июнь 2023
Апрель 2023
Март 2023
Февраль 2023